Thursday, April 30, 2009

Goodbye life

Dear friends (aka anyone who actually reads this),

I am checking out of life for the next year. Instead, I will be participating in a thing called nursing school, aka death by heavy books I have to read. Please enjoy your lives without me, as I won't be around to bother you.

But you'd better look out for next year b/c I will be back to torment you... mwahahahahahahahha.



Sunday, March 15, 2009

F-U Professor Dhaliwal

If I didn't hate stats before last Thursday, I certainly do now. Or at least I strongly dislike my ridiculous teacher who does not know how to plan out his course so that everything doesn't get stuck in the last week of class. This is my list of things due the next two class periods and the final.

Tue-quiz, lab
Thurs-test, lab, 3 hw assignments
Tue-final, 1 hw assignment, final project (which he assigned on Thursday, mind you)

WHAT A DICK! And he's super lazy and doesn't correct anything for at least two weeks. Or just doesn't correct it, like he did for the past 2 quizzes. What's the point of giving a third if you never corrected the other two? I always grade my student's shiz and give it back the next day.

And who the hell gives multiple choice tests, or in our case a final, in a math class? I'm feeling that this will be a repeat of my Physics 133 final, which was open book (and I was a bad girl and cheated by taping my hw and notes inside the book). It was multiple choice, and in-spite of the cheating, I still got a 30%. That taught me to cheat (haven't since). Somehow, I came out with a C-. I didn't deserve it since I didn't understand anything). I don't like physics.

Bad track record when it comes to math-related subjects and finals that are multiple choice. At least going into this one, I have an A...whew.

Friday, March 13, 2009 shock...wth?!?!?

For those of you who don't know, I have a long term subbing job at a local middle school. The majority of my classes are 6th graders, but I have a couple of 7th and 8th grade classes as well. Please excuse me while I go off on these RIDICULOUSLY STUPID children.

There is a school dance today. Most of the 6th graders are ecstatic for some fun, but a couple are a little too nervous (or "cool") because they decided it'd be a great idea to bring a Gatorade bottle filled with alcohol so they could get drunk at lunch to be drunk for the dance. HOW DUMB CAN YOU SERIOUSLY BE????? I'm also shocked b/c they are 6th graders. I would have expected it from maybe 8th graders, or high schoolers for sure. How freaking young are we starting now?

Apparently drugs and alcohol are now for babies. Or maybe I was just oblivious when I was their age...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Convict his a$$...he deserves it...

I don't usually follow celebrity gossip but this is one story that makes me furious: Rihanna and Chris Brown! I don't care what provoked the two to argue, but there is ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKING EXCUSE TO EVER HIT ANOTHER PERSON, ESPECIALLY A WOMAN, AND ESPECIALLY YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER, WHOM YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO LOVE.

I was extremely upset when I heard about him beating her. I don't even particularly enjoy Rihanna's music. But I did like Chris Brown. However, I am making an active decision to not listen to his songs (I would never have bought them in the first place). He doesn't deserve all his fame and wealth if this is what he chooses to show the boys/men in our world. The last thing we need to do is show our boys that it's ok to hit your girl if she makes you mad. I have enough trouble demanding respect from the kids in my class. What about the respect people used to show for their significant others, or parents? It's slowing fading away.

I would never hit my boyfriend, or for that matter, anyone else. There are many other ways to express anger and work out issues without hitting.

Convict him of the 2 felonies...he deserves the maximum sentence.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Just in-case you needed some reassurance that I am actually naturally blonde...

Here's one for ya...

Two of my friends, Kristy and Ryan, came over to help my dad pack for his post break-up move into the boonies*. After we finished, a trip to the mall was in order, since my feet/back didn't hurt enough. Kristy followed me to the gas station, and then I gave them directions to the freeway so I could just follow them. Of course she missed the freeway entrance, and though I was slightly annoyed, I kept following her because I didn't want us to be separated. But she didn't make any effort to u-turn (fun step aerobics move...pardon the tangent). I figured she knew where the next freeway entrance was, until she finally pulled up to a stop light to make a u-turn. Then I hear a "honk" behind me. Upon glancing in my mirror, I see that Kristy and Ryan are behind me, and I then realized that I had been following the wrong car! Then, after leading us back to the freeway, she passed me, and the back of her car really didn't look like the other car at all. They weren't even the same year, just the same color/brand. Yeah, I felt pretty silly, but you all love it b/c it caused me to blog again, finally.

*And if one blonde moment story wasn't enough for this blog, here's another! It was pouring rain in the mountains and my dad lives in a muddy area. I managed to pull up to the wrong house, make a three-point turn, and get myself stuck in the mud. Two of the younger guys helping my dad had to dig it out. And you'd think that someone would learn from my idiotic mistake, but when the boys left, they managed to drive themselves into a worse muddy situation. I felt a little less dumb at that point.

Luckily, I just helped my brunette mother and (fake) blonde sister name the seven continents. They forgot Australia.

Monday, February 23, 2009

What??? Is that a bad case of leprosy?

I am a bit disappointed in myself. I've been really focused on the fact that it doesn't really matter what you look like as long as you exert confidence. Well, that feat has been crushed due to a freak-accident in the upper lip waxing department. I am officially a hermit until my face heals. I will only be participating in minimal activities that do not involve people looking at my face.

Yesterday, I finally got around to waxing my upper lip. The wax was not hot enough when applied so it stuck to my face after the strip was ripped away. Needless to say, another strip was used to reapply and remove the wax one too many times. I am missing a layer of skin, leaving me with a dashingly hideous red moustache. I would love to tribute it to something interesting like leprosy or flesh-eating bacteria (thank you Mr. Jackson), but it's just not that cool.

Needless to say I am not working until this heals. I cannot face the children (or administrators). I've refused to go to my dance class tonight, did not play in my soccer games yesterday. I'll be at the gym though...this is not enough to kill my junk habit so a work-out is in order.

Did I mention that it was my Mom who did the waxing? Poor Mommy, and me!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

He's just not that into me (but how was I suppose to know at that age?????)

In a triumphant moment, amidst my head getting ready to explode from taking on too much shiz in my life, I did something that has been waiting to happen for years!!! Only I didn't even realize it was waiting to happen until about 5 minutes ago. And it's so monumental I HAD to blog about it!

Background: There was this boy I met in high school who went to the all boys catholic school in the area. We went to my junior prom together and had lots of fun. We even dated for a couple of months. I even got grounded for a month getting caught in a lie by skipping soccer practice and going to his house instead. And then, when I was ungrounded, he stood me up...twice.

Yeah, this sounds sooo juvenile, and also sounds like I would have benefited from that wonderful "novel" He's Just Not That Into You". Sadly, I discovered that book in the wrong junior year. Wrong being college.

Anyway, tonight was the second time he asked me (over facebook) to get lunch or coffee. I ignored the first one, figuring he'd get over it. But since he asked 2X, I replied as follows:

"No thank you. You treated me very poorly in high school when we dated and I would prefer not to re-live that. But thank you for the offer."

I guess this is one reason why I dislike facebook. I should have never added him as a friend...but gosh darn I was soooooo curious :)

How liberating!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Hunt for Green October is on...

It's scholarship time...a.k.a. jumping through tons of hoops to receive free money that is very elusive. I have officially reminded myself on why I vehemently refused to apply for scholarships during undergrad...IT SUCKS! Of course, that's why I have some wonderfully acquired debt from a degree that I only used for 8 months before undergoing a quarter-life crisis due to lay-off. Sheesh. And now it's time to take on a second pile of debt (this time for a much more relevant purpose)!!! Which brings me back to the first line of this paragraph.

Every single website boasts how it's the best search engine for the most money and matches you up with the most scholarships. However, upon entering something as simple as nursing, I am bombarded with requests to apply to such-and-such trade schools even though I am ALREADY ACCEPTED INTO A FREAKING SCHOOL! How frustrating! Then, when I'm already annoyed enough, the only scholarships I am directed to have absolutely nothing to do with nursing! Worst of all, I'm NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THEM! Some search engine.

Hence the purchase of a $32.00 (w/o tax) book on scholarships. Upon spending approximately 2 hours reading through it, I have found at least 20 scholarships I can apply for, mostly related to nursing, and even some that are not! Too bad I already wasted about 5 hours on the Internet pulling out my hair and ending up with male-pattern balding at way to early an age (and not to mention that I am the wrong sex).

Sunday, February 15, 2009

FATTY McFATTERSON!!!! That has been the creed I live by for the past three months. If it's junk food, I'm eating it. I am literally turning into my Labrador retriever. Something needs to change.

However, I have almost completely stopped drinking soda. So that's one good thing to come of my new junk cravings. But if it's sweet and especially if it's chocolaty, it's in my mouth, down my esophagus, into my stomach, through my small and large intestines, and, well, you know...

What happened to my diligence in the eating world? And on a related note, why has my blog become so boring?

Answer 1: The addition of a certain male figure in my life makes my not really give a rat's a** about my looks. SH*T!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to become one of those nurses who is the rule, not the exception*. The rule is stated as follows: "nurses are notoriously bad about their health". When I was in the hospital with my dad for his bladder cancer surgery, I saw many a nurse smoking. Did you know that smoking is possibly the number one risk factor for bladder cancer? Ironic...or just plain stupid? You decide...

Answer 2: All I do is school. And I actively choose not to talk about drama in my blog for fear those who are mentioned will somehow come across this and hold it against me. It is, as you can see, set in stone once published...

OK, not really, but why would I ever write something here that could hurt someone else?

*Speaking of the rule, not the exception, I saw the movie "He's just not that into you" and I liked it. I went on a valentine's date with my engaged friend, so it was highly hilarious that we spent V-day getting dinner and a movie w/o our significant other's. I did, however, have an extremely hard time watching Bradley Cooper's character have an affair with Scarlett Johansson. I don't know why, but it was excruciatingly painful and I found myself cringing and actually averting my eyes when they were together. Thank goodness his wife dumped his a**; he totally deserved it!

P.S. I think my boobs grew! WOOT!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


And if the above wasn't enough...OMGOMGOMG!!!! I was accepted into my first choice campus at the only nursing school I applied to this year!!!!! I LITERALLY ALMOST PISSED MY PANTS IN EXCITEMENT!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, now I have regained my composure. I am so happy to see my hard work pay off! :)

I came home on lunch from my long term subbing position (I have 2 weeks in a middle school PE class, more on that in a sec) to let my poor old doggie out since she's been pooping in the house lately, and I saw a nicely sized envelope in the mail box. With the about 5 minutes that I had, I ripped it open and immediately saw that I was congratulated on the front of the folder, so that was exciting in itself. And then upon opening I discovered that I got into SF! WOOTWOOTWOOTWOOTWOOT!!!!! Whew, lots of excitement this weekend. I start at the end of April and I have not worked out the logistics yet of moving and such b/c I need to wait on getting financial aid first.

Joy...more student loans. Just what I need :(

New mission=must stop biting/picking cuticles NOW! I have the ultimate motivation. But it's soooo hard!

Wanna know what else sucks? 6-8th grade students with attitude. Luckily, the majority of the kids are super cool, so I'm not yelling too much. Key addition to my regime...a whistle. Now they have to listen when I blow it. Hehehehe. But the best part of subbing is this: rainy days. Yup, we do swing dancing and it is probably the cutest thing ever to see these awkward sixth graders (and some seventh and eighth graders) try to get up the courage to dance with each other, and then try to learn the words...LOL! I actually hope that I can be in this class longer for 2 weeks, especially since I need the $$. And now I really want to take JK and find some swing dancing lessons b/c it looks super fun!

On the dancing note, I am taking a salsa class with my mom and sis that is awesome! It doesn't matter that my sis and I are the youngest people by at least 10 years. And we get to dance with men who are our dad's I am getting more and more into dancing as time goes on (aka I grow old and have to play less and less soccer).

Last new obsession (from, like, two months ago) is Alicia Keys Radio on Pandora. That shiz rocks.

"Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all. If it ain't you baby. If I ain't got you baby!"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You know you're old when...

You take a trip here and spend a $500 entrance fee so you can play...drumroll


Yeah, that's what I thought. I knew my mother enjoyed bingo, but not that much. Sure, she used winnings from her previous bingo escapades to pay for it, so she's not actually spending income, but seriously? Welcome to club 65+ at the youthful age of 54.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today is kind of a big deal...

I'm sure there are tons of posts (most loving, some hating) on the victory that is ours in American today! The first black president was sworn it, and I spent it trying to explain the difference between object and subject pronouns to a class of 4th graders (mind you, I have no idea what this means, so I made it up). I just think it's wildly crazy that we can have such a monumental event occurring and yet our lives go on like nothing is different. It just proves that change really does not occur at once. Only time will tell if things will change for the better (my bet is that they will).

Anyhoo, that's my two cents on the inauguration of Barack Obama. Not very deep (unless you try really hard to read into it...)

And I thought Michelle Obama's dress was hideous, but I am not the fashion police (and would NEVER make the cut) so she can get away with it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

So I'm sure this will come as a shock to you but I (gasp) forgot that I had a blog. I know you have all been anxiously waiting for my return (yeah, riiiiight...) so here goes!

Countdown: Officially 5 weeks until acceptance (am I jinxing myself by putting that? If so, then you didn't see me write it) letter. I'm so excited I could pee my pants (or maybe I just had too much coffee this morning)!

Wedding count: 4 weddings, 3 invites, 1 bridesmaid, 1 maid of honor..yeesh! Since when did I become the wedding guru? Or since when did all my friends decided to get married in 2009? I think I missed the bus there...

Schooling: Once upon a time, Rachel was a chemistry major. You may be surprised (because no one actually likes chemistry enough to get too deep into the subject), but there is A LOT of statistics involved. So why do I have to take basic stats? Oh yeah, because school's have no idea what it's like to take p-chem...or any lab class. Or work for a biotech company. Those things involve lots of stats. Stats is why I had a love affair with Microsoft Excel. And yet here I am, sitting through lectures about the difference between the population and sample, and the definition of standard deviation. Shoot me now...but at least my teacher is cute :)

Subbing: Finally, after 3+ months of being on the substitute lists, I am making a name for myself and getting requested! Whew. No more scrambling to pay all my bills each month. No more sleepless nights wondering if I'm going to get called at 5AM the next morning. No more...ok, well these things are still happening.

Multiple Guess Question: I strongly dislike K and 1st grade. 2nd and above are fine with me, because 2nd graders and above:
a. don't pee their pants
b. don't cry because they are going to get their new shoes dirty in PE (and they are a boy...)
c. can actually do their work with minimal supervision so I can actually help the kids who are struggling
d. all of the above

I really hope you selected D as your final answer.