Monday, October 20, 2008

One good thing about McCain becoming president

I was thinking about how I really do not want McCain and Palin to win the election. There are so many negative reasons, and I decided I'm too negative about the pair. Thus I spent countless hours trying to decide on something positive that would occur if the pair were elected into office. Here's what I came up with:

1. Saturday Night Live would be endlessly entertaining. Think about how hilarious it is when they make fun of the republican party.

That's all I could think of. Pretty good, right?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Isn't it ironic...

I worked for the middle school today (and will again tomorrow). The secretary asked me how old I was so I told her, and she proceeded to tell me I looked really young and would have to wear a bright pink SUBSTITUTE sticker for the day. Seriously. This is more funny because Emily always says I have the personality of a permanent 7th grader. Sweet.

Don't believe me? See below.

Also, I like middle school. They don't really listen either but you get a prep period. WOOT!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Things are much more pleasent ;)

Subbing has been much better since my last post. I am actually enjoying it!!!! Must have been the first day, lol. I have learned that kids love talking but you just have to be really strict with them and don't let them get away with anything and you CAN get them quiet for 30mins to do their math assignment. Sweet!!!!!!!

P.S. It scares me how well I teach math. I would have never guessed it!

Onto more exciting life news: oh wait, there is none. I have two midterms next week and am pulling my hair out over physiology b/c I really really really (exponentially) want to get an A in that class after successfully completing my first midterm. Thus I have been studying A LOT! Otherwise I spend my life trying to motivate myself to work out and not eat so much junk as well as getting purred and sat on at 3:30am by my cat Echo b/c he's hungry. Bastard.

Now onto Halloween. I am vehemently against dressing slutty. I think everyone does it so I strive in the years past to not succumb to the pressure of letting my ass hang out (which is not hard for me to do). Sadly, I have been conned (sort of) to dress as a mafia chick with a couple of my girlfriends. We don't even know what we're doing. I got this sweet cheap outfit to wear that's cute, but I'm pretty sure my buttocks will hang out. DANG IT!!!

Solution: Tights (yes, I have no shame).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Some reflections on substituting

My first day of work in 6 I am uber motivated to get my phlebotomy licence so I do not have to manage an out of control classroom of 32 kids until I get into nursing school. If there was ever any signs stating that I should go into teaching, they are gone now and replaced whole-heartedly with my desire to become a nurse.

It's not that the experience was so horrible (it wasn't), it's just that being the substitute makes it really hard to control the kids. It's really hard not knowing names or what to expect. It'd be better if they were my own class.

1. Kids think I look twenty.
2. They also think I'm married (wth).
3. I have a ridiculous amount of "you're the best" and "we <3 you Ms. Martin" notes in my bag. Apparently, even though they don't listen, they like me.
4. I was better than their sub yesterday (score!).
5. My old middle school is now an elementary school. I taught in my 7th grade science classroom. Weird.

Any control suggestions would be appreciated greatly!


P.S. I am coming down with something...ick.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The lamest update ever

I am so excited to potentially get to substitute teach at my old elementary school! That'll be awesome! I am now registered in 2 districts, and a third school is potentially in the process of reviewing my application. Yay for work!

I am

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just as long as we're together...

Yeah, I decided to regress to a fourth grade reading level last night and read one of my favorite childhood authors. Judy Blume. Ah, how I loved her. I could relate so well to all of her characters because we were so close in age and had such similar problems...usually. I think my favorite book by her was Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing but last night I read Just as long as We're Together. It was good (and it only took me 1.5 hours to I miss easy reading levels).

It's funny because when I read that book as a kid, I related to how 7th grade girls are interested in boys and trying to figure out how to be cool in school. Who would have thought that I'd related to it at this time in my life!?!? It's funny how moving home forces me to finally deal with my parent's divorce and then I read a book where her parents separate. I completely felt for the character in not wanting to interact with either parent.

It's interesting how good books really can span lifetimes...I guess I'll read it again when I'm 50 and see what I think then (if the pages haven't fallen apart yet).

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yay for good grades and blonde moments

1. 97.5% on 1st physiology test...not freaking bad ;)

2. Went to return office season 4 to blockbuster(my mom had rented them) but didn't know where it was. Finally found it and went inside to make sure it was the right one. Was informed by the blockbuster guy that the videos were from Hollywood...woops.

3. Excited for fall weather!!!!!!!!!