Thursday, March 5, 2009

Convict his a$$...he deserves it...

I don't usually follow celebrity gossip but this is one story that makes me furious: Rihanna and Chris Brown! I don't care what provoked the two to argue, but there is ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKING EXCUSE TO EVER HIT ANOTHER PERSON, ESPECIALLY A WOMAN, AND ESPECIALLY YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER, WHOM YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO LOVE.

I was extremely upset when I heard about him beating her. I don't even particularly enjoy Rihanna's music. But I did like Chris Brown. However, I am making an active decision to not listen to his songs (I would never have bought them in the first place). He doesn't deserve all his fame and wealth if this is what he chooses to show the boys/men in our world. The last thing we need to do is show our boys that it's ok to hit your girl if she makes you mad. I have enough trouble demanding respect from the kids in my class. What about the respect people used to show for their significant others, or parents? It's slowing fading away.

I would never hit my boyfriend, or for that matter, anyone else. There are many other ways to express anger and work out issues without hitting.

Convict him of the 2 felonies...he deserves the maximum sentence.


Anonymous said...

How do you feel now that they've been seen back together?

rayeraye09 said...

It bothers me a lot! I used to work for a crisis hotline and she is textbook by "still loving him". It's really sad that people get so attached and so scared to leave. I hope for her sake she can get it together and NOT be with him!