Monday, June 2, 2008

I ate lunch at Taco Bell today...

I know, you say, why eat at Taco Bell?  Because it was the best option within walking distance from my Dad's work.  But that is beside the point.

I had just finished ordering my food and was debating which area I felt like sitting in when I heard a loud crash.  I reacted very slowly for some reason, but the next thing I knew there was glass flying at my flip-flopped feet and a maroon Grand Am flying through the window.  Literally. It was about 4 feet from me and it just missed these two girls sitting at the other window seat.  I had just moved seates to not sit in the sun by the window, and happened to pick a closer seat to the accident.  Needless to say, we were all pretty shaken up, and thankfully there were no injuries.  Even the driver was fine.  She looked the worst, probably because her car was destroyed along with the Taco Bell entrance...

The funnies part was that the Taco Bell employees just kept making food.  One of them went to sweep the floor around the counter, but they were not suppose to clean up the area around the accident because the police needed to make a complete investigation.  I had ordered my food "for here" but decided to take it "to-go" due to extenuating circumstances.

I am pretty sure I will never see something like that happen ever again.  I wonder if she was abusing some sort of substance at the time, or if her brakes failed.  Thank God that wasn't me...

1 comment:

Jaime said...

i found your blog... woohoo! Anyways, this story still cracks me up... only because nobody got hurt, of course. You need to find a way to get those pics you took with your phone onto here.