Monday, March 2, 2009

Just in-case you needed some reassurance that I am actually naturally blonde...

Here's one for ya...

Two of my friends, Kristy and Ryan, came over to help my dad pack for his post break-up move into the boonies*. After we finished, a trip to the mall was in order, since my feet/back didn't hurt enough. Kristy followed me to the gas station, and then I gave them directions to the freeway so I could just follow them. Of course she missed the freeway entrance, and though I was slightly annoyed, I kept following her because I didn't want us to be separated. But she didn't make any effort to u-turn (fun step aerobics move...pardon the tangent). I figured she knew where the next freeway entrance was, until she finally pulled up to a stop light to make a u-turn. Then I hear a "honk" behind me. Upon glancing in my mirror, I see that Kristy and Ryan are behind me, and I then realized that I had been following the wrong car! Then, after leading us back to the freeway, she passed me, and the back of her car really didn't look like the other car at all. They weren't even the same year, just the same color/brand. Yeah, I felt pretty silly, but you all love it b/c it caused me to blog again, finally.

*And if one blonde moment story wasn't enough for this blog, here's another! It was pouring rain in the mountains and my dad lives in a muddy area. I managed to pull up to the wrong house, make a three-point turn, and get myself stuck in the mud. Two of the younger guys helping my dad had to dig it out. And you'd think that someone would learn from my idiotic mistake, but when the boys left, they managed to drive themselves into a worse muddy situation. I felt a little less dumb at that point.

Luckily, I just helped my brunette mother and (fake) blonde sister name the seven continents. They forgot Australia.

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