Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I am a stereotype today

I have added to the long list of reasons why women are thought to be bad drivers. Hear me out:

I'm driving to work today, and it was a late day, so I actually got to start at 9am! WOOT, was my initial thought. But then I'm about a block away from the turn to the school when I hear a THUNK, and I didn't really think much of it because I wasn't paying attention. Then I realized that my right side mirror was missing. I began to piece together what had happened. I was driving close (but not that close) to the side of the road. It was trash day. There were many heavy plastic trash cans strewn about the road. I heard a loud thunk. By my powers of deduction I deduced that I had hit a trash can, thus causing the pleasant thunk that I thought so little about.

Of course, I wasn't just going to leave my mirror on the sidewalk so I proceeded to park my car on a side street near the school and quickly walk back to the scene of the crime, or I guess you could call it the place where the idiotic blonde driver ran into a trash can poking out into the street. I passed some students. I hoped they would not be in the class I subbed for.

Obviously, the trash can was not knocked over. It was laughing in my face, and will be laughing at me when I go get my car fixed and it costs another $300 that I don't have.

Hilariously enough, this is not the first time I have knocked off a side mirror. Once upon a time at the ripe 'ol age of 16, I was trying to avoid speed bumps while driving in my mom's van. Of course, there was a brick wall to the left of one of them that I thought was further away than it actually was. Geezz...I have bad judgement. It's been 9 years since that happened. You'd think I had learned that lesson. Today proved otherwise.

On a lighter note, I subbed at the middle school today and I made it a point to dress up so I wouldn't have to wear that damn sub sticker. It worked!

BTW, I almost spelled mirror "mear", but that's another point to add to the stereotype that blondes can't spell.

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