Sunday, February 15, 2009

FATTY McFATTERSON!!!! That has been the creed I live by for the past three months. If it's junk food, I'm eating it. I am literally turning into my Labrador retriever. Something needs to change.

However, I have almost completely stopped drinking soda. So that's one good thing to come of my new junk cravings. But if it's sweet and especially if it's chocolaty, it's in my mouth, down my esophagus, into my stomach, through my small and large intestines, and, well, you know...

What happened to my diligence in the eating world? And on a related note, why has my blog become so boring?

Answer 1: The addition of a certain male figure in my life makes my not really give a rat's a** about my looks. SH*T!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to become one of those nurses who is the rule, not the exception*. The rule is stated as follows: "nurses are notoriously bad about their health". When I was in the hospital with my dad for his bladder cancer surgery, I saw many a nurse smoking. Did you know that smoking is possibly the number one risk factor for bladder cancer? Ironic...or just plain stupid? You decide...

Answer 2: All I do is school. And I actively choose not to talk about drama in my blog for fear those who are mentioned will somehow come across this and hold it against me. It is, as you can see, set in stone once published...

OK, not really, but why would I ever write something here that could hurt someone else?

*Speaking of the rule, not the exception, I saw the movie "He's just not that into you" and I liked it. I went on a valentine's date with my engaged friend, so it was highly hilarious that we spent V-day getting dinner and a movie w/o our significant other's. I did, however, have an extremely hard time watching Bradley Cooper's character have an affair with Scarlett Johansson. I don't know why, but it was excruciatingly painful and I found myself cringing and actually averting my eyes when they were together. Thank goodness his wife dumped his a**; he totally deserved it!

P.S. I think my boobs grew! WOOT!

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