Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You know you're old when...

You take a trip here and spend a $500 entrance fee so you can play...drumroll


Yeah, that's what I thought. I knew my mother enjoyed bingo, but not that much. Sure, she used winnings from her previous bingo escapades to pay for it, so she's not actually spending income, but seriously? Welcome to club 65+ at the youthful age of 54.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today is kind of a big deal...

I'm sure there are tons of posts (most loving, some hating) on the victory that is ours in American today! The first black president was sworn it, and I spent it trying to explain the difference between object and subject pronouns to a class of 4th graders (mind you, I have no idea what this means, so I made it up). I just think it's wildly crazy that we can have such a monumental event occurring and yet our lives go on like nothing is different. It just proves that change really does not occur at once. Only time will tell if things will change for the better (my bet is that they will).

Anyhoo, that's my two cents on the inauguration of Barack Obama. Not very deep (unless you try really hard to read into it...)

And I thought Michelle Obama's dress was hideous, but I am not the fashion police (and would NEVER make the cut) so she can get away with it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

So I'm sure this will come as a shock to you but I (gasp) forgot that I had a blog. I know you have all been anxiously waiting for my return (yeah, riiiiight...) so here goes!

Countdown: Officially 5 weeks until acceptance (am I jinxing myself by putting that? If so, then you didn't see me write it) letter. I'm so excited I could pee my pants (or maybe I just had too much coffee this morning)!

Wedding count: 4 weddings, 3 invites, 1 bridesmaid, 1 maid of honor..yeesh! Since when did I become the wedding guru? Or since when did all my friends decided to get married in 2009? I think I missed the bus there...

Schooling: Once upon a time, Rachel was a chemistry major. You may be surprised (because no one actually likes chemistry enough to get too deep into the subject), but there is A LOT of statistics involved. So why do I have to take basic stats? Oh yeah, because school's have no idea what it's like to take p-chem...or any lab class. Or work for a biotech company. Those things involve lots of stats. Stats is why I had a love affair with Microsoft Excel. And yet here I am, sitting through lectures about the difference between the population and sample, and the definition of standard deviation. Shoot me now...but at least my teacher is cute :)

Subbing: Finally, after 3+ months of being on the substitute lists, I am making a name for myself and getting requested! Whew. No more scrambling to pay all my bills each month. No more sleepless nights wondering if I'm going to get called at 5AM the next morning. No more...ok, well these things are still happening.

Multiple Guess Question: I strongly dislike K and 1st grade. 2nd and above are fine with me, because 2nd graders and above:
a. don't pee their pants
b. don't cry because they are going to get their new shoes dirty in PE (and they are a boy...)
c. can actually do their work with minimal supervision so I can actually help the kids who are struggling
d. all of the above

I really hope you selected D as your final answer.