Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My reflections on 2008

Since this year has come to a close, I felt it was appropriate to reflect a little bit on what I've discovered and experienced this past year. Some noteworthy highlights:

1. Ended my relationship with my first and only love to date (only to find him back in my life in a strange but wonderful way)
2. Lost my first real job (due to lay offs, giving me a whole new perspective on what it is to truly enjoy working)
3. Picked a new career (nursing)
4. Got an A in 6/7 classes this year. The other grade was a B+...that's not bad at all! (this is a first in a long time, signifying that I have picked a suitable new direction)
5. Started playing soccer again and discovered yoga and step aerobics (excellent exercise)
6. Made some FREAKING AWESOME new friends-Kristy and Pat, you girls ROCK MY WORLD!!!
7. Reconnected with some oldies but goodies-Nat, Lisa, Katie, Keith, Ali, Monica, Lisa, Vera, I love you guys and am super glad to be back in touch
8. Made some actual decisions regarding my thoughts on religion, philosophy, and politics instead of shying away because they are complicated topics and I don't want to offend anyone (if you care enough, ask)

9. Reconnected with my family for the first time since my parents divorce. I never fully dealt with it until coming back here. It has been difficult, but refreshing and long overdue. I love them and will forever be grateful for everything we went through. It has only made me stronger and more capable of loving fully and unconditionally.

When it comes down to it, I am way more mature than I was at the start of 2008. I learned a lot of very difficult lessons regarding money, men (and boys), friendship, and I made a drastic change on my attitude toward life. While I have always been a positive person, I realize now that it was all for the benefit of making other people happy. That's a nice thing to do, but if you're not happy with something, then you're the one who ends up getting hurt. I hope I can carry this valuable lesson into 2009 and throughout my remaining years. I want to do things because I WANT to, not because I feel like I should.

All in all, I have NO regrets. What's the point? It's already happened, so why should I dwell on it. I'm going to keep dancing (literally) through this wonderful (and short) life I have. I am extremely lucky.

Bring it on, 2009...bring it on!

I went on a date, and all I got was a...

$45 parking ticket. It was probably worth more than the meal I did not pay for.

*Insert lots of vulgar swear words here*

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

There needs to be a class for older men in need of lessons on approaching women!

This was just so good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) that I HAD to post 2 blogs today...

I'm in southern California at South Coast Plaza (a.k.a. the mall where I cannot afford anything) shopping around for some NYE shoes. My dress is black so I am looking for some bright and awesome matching shoes and earrings to go with it. I'm thinking red, but will settle for pink, gold, or bronze as well. Right now, bronze is winning (because the pair I found encompass my three criteria in no particular order: sexy, comfy, cheap). That's beside the point.

I was in Sax 5th ave drooling over some $450 pair of shoes I will never allow myself to buy even if I could afford them when I am interrupted by an elderly gentleman around the age of 50.
Old dude: "Excuse me, but would you be willing to hear a holiday compliment?"
Me: (If you buy me these $539 Jimmy Choos, then yes...) "Um, sure."
Old dude: "You're a ten in my book. I just wanted to tell you that you're gorgeous."
Me: (barf barf, you look my dad's age) "Um, thanks. Happy holidays" as I walk away.
Old dude: (being super creepy and following me) "I'm sorry, but did I say something wrong?"
Me: (um, are you dense?) "No, just go away, just leave." Needless to say, I booked it.

Please note that I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt with absolutely no make-up.

Ok, so time for approaching Rachel 101 (which all men initially interested in me should apply).
1. Age does matter. If you could pass as my parent, then get the hell away. No more than 5 years older. Period.
2. I'm not feeling the whole younger guy thing. If you're more than a year younger, you are not mature enough for me.
3. Don't use a cheesy pick-up line that I've heard, like, a million times. If you have the nerve to approach me, then please dazzle me with something unique. I'd be way more receptive to something creative.
4. On that note, do not use any strategy directly learned from the boy bible* The Game. I've read it and I know what you're getting at. If you're going to APPLY the strategy, that's a different story because you are inventing your own method.
5. Please do not baffle me with bullsh*t. Instead, show me you are intelligent and funny.
6. Did I mention I don't do old guys?

Really people? I don't think I'm being too stringent with my "rules". I'm a nice, easygoing person and I don't think it should be that hard to find someone within my initial 6 criteria. Come on!

Ready for a much better pick-up experience. Here you are.
Cute dude: "Excuse me."
Me: "Yes?" (as I loudly pop the bubble I had just blown).
Cute dude: "Can I buy a piece of gum off of you?"
Me: "You can have a piece of gum."
Cute dude: "Thanks. Dragon breath over here really needs it." (as he gestures toward his beet red friend).

That wasn't actually a pick-up line, but I also experienced that today at the mall. See how much more creative this man was. If he had been hitting on me, I would have responded much more positively. It made me laugh for about five minutes afterward. The Macy's shoe department must have thought I was crazy.

*All ladies should read this book so they know how to avoid skeezballs.

Ah to be young...

As a two year old, my mother invited our neighbor (a 4 year old boy) over to play with me. Needless to say, she walks into the room and he has picked me up and I was smacking him across the face. Biotch...don't mess with me.

This is why I love the holidays. Hilarious stories about my sis and I as children. It's so great.

My sis was once eating mac n cheese, and when my mom asked her if she liked it, Julie responded "I hate it" as she continued stuffing her face.

Ah, to be young again.

On a more recent note, the highlight of our nine hour trek from nor to so cal is as follows...

J: Mom, I'm hungry
M: Julie, I brought you a vogue to read.
J: That's nice. Can I eat it?


Monday, December 15, 2008

It's hard to be motivated to study when...

...you need to get a 69% on the final to keep your A (and you haven't scored less than an A the entire class, although that's probably because you studied a lot).

So here I am, blogging again. I highly recommend that everyone try step aerobics. I've never had so much fun working out in my entire life. After an hour, I still want more (that NEVER happens with normal gym workouts).

I had a strange experience with a cowboy this weekend. We went to the saddlerack for some good 'ol country western hick times and I met the best dancer! I told him I cannot dance (real dance, not just move to rhythm). His response was" just follow my lead" as he proceeded to throw me around in twirls for about thirty minutes. It was awesome.

Morals of this blog:
1. Study in advance, it makes finals week AWESOME!
2. Step aerobics makes me sore and I love it.
3. Cowboys can dance (and he was Brazilian, so maybe that had something to do with the excellent dance skills...)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I am a stereotype today

I have added to the long list of reasons why women are thought to be bad drivers. Hear me out:

I'm driving to work today, and it was a late day, so I actually got to start at 9am! WOOT, was my initial thought. But then I'm about a block away from the turn to the school when I hear a THUNK, and I didn't really think much of it because I wasn't paying attention. Then I realized that my right side mirror was missing. I began to piece together what had happened. I was driving close (but not that close) to the side of the road. It was trash day. There were many heavy plastic trash cans strewn about the road. I heard a loud thunk. By my powers of deduction I deduced that I had hit a trash can, thus causing the pleasant thunk that I thought so little about.

Of course, I wasn't just going to leave my mirror on the sidewalk so I proceeded to park my car on a side street near the school and quickly walk back to the scene of the crime, or I guess you could call it the place where the idiotic blonde driver ran into a trash can poking out into the street. I passed some students. I hoped they would not be in the class I subbed for.

Obviously, the trash can was not knocked over. It was laughing in my face, and will be laughing at me when I go get my car fixed and it costs another $300 that I don't have.

Hilariously enough, this is not the first time I have knocked off a side mirror. Once upon a time at the ripe 'ol age of 16, I was trying to avoid speed bumps while driving in my mom's van. Of course, there was a brick wall to the left of one of them that I thought was further away than it actually was. Geezz...I have bad judgement. It's been 9 years since that happened. You'd think I had learned that lesson. Today proved otherwise.

On a lighter note, I subbed at the middle school today and I made it a point to dress up so I wouldn't have to wear that damn sub sticker. It worked!

BTW, I almost spelled mirror "mear", but that's another point to add to the stereotype that blondes can't spell.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Apparently, I've still got it in me!

Sometimes when you're feeling down and out, someone from the past writes you an email that just makes your day. This happened today, and needless to say, I was touched (although it remains to be seen if I will be responding...lol). I have interjected comments to help explain my feelings, and the situation, in red (there never was an us, fyi).

"Beautiful Rachel, (flattered)

Dang, I was watching a documentary on "La' France" (I am part French), goose liver, those beautiful French places along the Dordogne River, and I was like (like, how old are we?) thinking about you. I thought about withdrawing all my savings and setting us up with a trip to La France, but then thought "doood, come on!!!" lol But seriously, how have you been? Whatcha got going on lately? Any cool chemistry activities besides the heart chemistry"missing-you" reaction you left reacting in my life? (yes, we were both chem nerds so the dorky love joke is actually very appropriate...although, love? naw) I hope so!!! lol... Me nothing but work... pretty fun considering the way things are.

I almost got married to a half-Indonesian/half-Chinese chick from Amsterdam with 2 master degrees, but I chickened out. (I wonder what the real story is) Uhmmm... also met another super-beautiful Mexican-American girl, but dumped me cus' she's not over the getting drunk, clubbing, and dancing on the tables stage. (that's why you don't meet people in bars) I'm confused still, cus she flipped out when I asked her for our last kiss with a "Our last kiss????" Like she thinks maybe we'll have more or something, but in all honesty, I told her I wasn't over you and our drunk moment at Mother's Tavern (it was one freaking drunken kiss!). I know I'm a hopeless romantic to even think about you... But hey, we both had crushes on each other (um, maybe you had a crush on me but the feeling was NOT mutual) in that polymers class with Mr. Kingsbury (we were just study buddies, and the class wasn't anatomy or anything like that...lol), I'm aging good like those red wines (that is by far the best line in this whole email, he's only 2 years older than me) ;) LOL... Maybe we could make a good story...

So are you back with Danny or what? (HELL FREAKING NO!!!) I hope you're not, cus you told me he's a jerk. (more like a psycho, I usually have much better judgement) Maybe a stupid question, cus I'm almost sure you have way too many guys after you. (hmmm...I guess that could be true, but none that I'm actually interested in as of now) At any rate, I hope you're not with a jerk that doesn't treat you like a queen. (I have plenty of self respect...thank you very much...hehe)

Hey, I'm gonna be in SF the weekend of January 17-18. I was wondering if you have no tight-shirt bf (tight shirt bf???? wtf!!!???!!! it's like he's suggesting I date douche bags) if I could take you out to dinner to some restaurant (not sure which cus I've never been to SF) (no thank you, but I appreciate the offer). Did you end up in SF anyways? Or did you go somewhere else? Maybe you're living with some boring man (I hope not) (nope!) in some nice private village(really... I hope not) (I prefer suburbia or cities). If you don't reply (as I'm guessing you got bored and stopped reading) (no way, this is the most interesting letter I've received ever!!! It was good enough to make my blog!), I'll just keep waiting, wishing, and hoping maybe I'll find you at some random place, single, and willing to chat over a coffee about chemistry and big a nerd you are. (ouch, apparently I will always be nerdy)

Happy holidays!!!
P.S. At least lets meet so we could dance just one more song... It's okay if you won't sleep with me.. lol j/k" (as if you ever had a chance!!!)

So what's the point of this? I've been feeling pretty down lately (not depressed, just a little low) because I'm stuck. This was a great pick-me-up, so thanks to Danny for making one of my more sad weekends a hell of a lot better.

There are lots events that happen in life, some take you to lows you never knew you'd reach, and other's bring you to highs that you'd like to run on forever. I'd love to ride the high forever, but it's those damn lows that make my highs worth it.

Thank you to all that have taught me that lesson...from BOTH highs and lows...and especially the lows, because it's from the lows that I learn to draw my internal happiness. I'm a lucky girl :)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Another reason I date Asian men...

And it's been awhile
since I have
blogged on anything...

Some updates:
1. I hit the big 2-5 mark. I DO NOT feel my age, and it is constantly confirmed that I look young by the students I have. NIIIICCCCEEE!!!
2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my friends and family. It's exciting to be reminded how wonderful the people in my life are! Special thanks to Nat for EVERYTHING you did for my bday, and thanks to all my friends for coming out! <3
3. I found a video that encompasses my love of Asian men...it's like he's speaking to me...not really, but it's pretty funny! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CqbZNHaf1o

I hope you all enjoy "my" reasons! SOOOOO CREATIVE!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Check out my siiiiiiiicccccckkk vampire bite...

I am ready to undergo the "change". There are many definitions for this. Menopause is one that comes to mind. I'm not ready for that one, yet. The change I'm referring to is an illogical fantasy. Yeah, I am ready to become a vampire.

Why the sudden interest in this less-traveled path? Well, I am quickly approaching my quarter-life crisis (although I've already reached crisis mode in life, so I highly doubt the age-change will make much of a difference). I like being young. No real responsibilities besides paying off loans. What more could I ask for? Except for eternal youth, nothing comes to mind. World peace? How about world tolerance...that's a little more feasible. They're never going to get along in the middle east.

Besides, I could really go for a romantic relationship where I get to fall in love. There is no better way to do it than with an illegitimate fantasy. Seriously, it does not exist for me in real life. So why can't I dream about my sexy pale vampire boyfriend/fiance/husband? I've got a great imagination, and it would be a waste not to use it. Although I'd have to say I'd make my vampire angel tall, with dark eyes and hair. So I guess pale doesn't cut it. Maybe I should marry a werewolf. Jacob, anyone? ;)

I just saw the Twilight movie (TERRIBLE), and re-read the whole first book (WONDERFUL), all in the span of about 16 hours...yeah, I'm ridiculous. But reading about Bella and Edward makes me yearn for such an exciting and intense relationship. It is, however, creepy how much time Edward has to watch Bella. I think I could do with a little space. I'll just keep reminding myself that he doesn't sleep. That makes it better.

I guess the whole point of this blog is that is really sucks when you are single and every one of your friends have "in a relationship" as their facebook status. LAME!!!! Brian Regan says it best in his comedy when he quotes "she's lonely".

Many thanks to Edward Cullen for fulfilling my dream much more quickly that he did for Bella. I am moving onto immortality. Peace out, suckas!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Whoever invented 2-ply toilet paper is a genius, but the inventor of 3-ply is a MORON!!!!! Did you know you can clog your toilet with 6 squares of 3-ply toilet paper? Well, you can.

Benefit: Silky smooth cotton feeling against your skin.



Monday, November 10, 2008

D is for Vendetta

Dog: a despicable man or youth. (dictionary.com)

Just kidding, that is not the kind of dog I am talking about today.

Dog: a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties. (dictionary.com)

And to be specific, a black Labrador retriever named Gabie. She's been a part of my life for 12 years now, and I've loved her for as long as she's been in our family. However, she's beginning to show her passive-aggressive side in a serious vendetta against me. Here's the background.

Cat: a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties.(dictionary.com )

I happen to have a mixed Siamese/tabby with a raccoon tail and blue eyes. His name is Echo. I've had him for a year (but he's a year and a half). He's pretty much an a**hole and a baller rolled up into a ball of fur. When first introducing him to Gabie, she growled and freaked him out, but he is such a bad a** that she now succumbs to his mischief. They have known each other for about 6 months now, and even sleep near each other on her bed, but never cuddled.

Problem #1: On Halloween, I stepped out to get some last minute accessories for my costume. Upon my return, I smell a horrible stench in the house. I call out to my mother, only to find her in my room cleaning up a huge pile of dog droppings off of my floor. Apparently, she decided to take her frustration about the cat out on my floor! Either that or I was the one who forgot to let her out to use the restroom before leaving. Yeah, that was my fault.

Problem #2: I get home from a fun weekend with my college buddies to find a huge gash in my bed sheets. Immediately, I assumed Echo was the culprit since he constantly scratches the couch and my box spring. Upon closer examination, I discovered black dog fur all over my bed. I was too quick to point fingers; Gabie was the actual criminal (if you could ever call my sweet dog that). She'd slept on my bed!!! That just does not happen! When she "makes" her bed, she likes to scrunch up the sheets, and in doing that to mine, she ripped them. Geez!

In conclusion, I realize that Echo may not be the reason Gabie is pooing in my room and sleeping on my bed. She may just be old. And I still love her to death!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Some thoughts on the election...

1. Please vote for Obama. Obviously I am not a fan of McCain, but I am even less of a fan of Palin. And seeing that McCain is 72 and looks like an unhealthy actor in a cardiovascular advertisement (meaning he could die at any moment), we will be stuck with an incompetent vice president turned president by LUCK (or the inevitable forces of life).

2. Why would anyone in their right mind vote yes on Prop. 8? Isn't the point of living in America to have equal rights and not be discriminated against? That's exactly what Prop. 8 does, discriminate against gays. They've had enough discrimination, it's time for equal rights. Plus, most of the funding for the No on 8 campaign comes from out-of-state funding...does anyone else see a problem with that?

3. Please vote no on Prop. 4. Yes, I think girls should confide in their parents regarding a huge life decision like abortion, but I do not think that should be mandatory. You don't know what some girls' family lives are like. Parents could potentially abuse their child for being pregnant or kick them out on the street. Plus, we will probably see a rise in back-street abortions, which will increase the amount of medical care these girls could need if it is preformed incorrectly. And maybe we should try teaching sex education in schools instead of abstinence to help prevent these teenage pregnancies in the first place. O.M.G... A PROACTIVE SOLUTION!!??!! Who would have thought? Yeah, we really need to get the republicans out of the White House...grrr.

All in all, I hope that everyone exercises their right to vote (like me)! It's fun and you get a cool sticker to wear all day at work in front of your 3rd graders.

Speaking of 3rd graders, I had a couple of interesting experiences last week in my third grade class I subbed in for 4 days.

a) The first day I was in there one of the little girls asked if I was going to vote. I told her yes, and she proceeded to ask if I was going to vote yes on Prop. 8. Being that I am of the opinion that it is not my place to influence these kids in politics, I told her it was personal. She then told me her parents had her make them a bumper sticker supporting Prop. 8. How sad! These people are teaching a 7 year old how to be intolerant of people considered "different".

b) The next day, a different girl came up to ask me if god created the earth and all the stuff on it or if the earth created god. What an interesting question! Basically, she was asking me if we made up god or if he made up us. For those of you who know me, I do not believe in god and I think the whole concept was made up by humans (or the earth, in this child's question). Once again, I am of the opinion it is not my place to influence these children in their religious or political beliefs, so I stated that she will have to ask her parents that question. Well, another little girl proceeded to start preaching the bible to the first little girl, and the first girl said that the boy next to her told her there is no god, and there were lots of hurt feelings and I wanted to pull my hair out! Needless to say I terminated that conversation quickly...ASK YOUR PARENTS!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

One good thing about McCain becoming president

I was thinking about how I really do not want McCain and Palin to win the election. There are so many negative reasons, and I decided I'm too negative about the pair. Thus I spent countless hours trying to decide on something positive that would occur if the pair were elected into office. Here's what I came up with:

1. Saturday Night Live would be endlessly entertaining. Think about how hilarious it is when they make fun of the republican party.

That's all I could think of. Pretty good, right?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Isn't it ironic...

I worked for the middle school today (and will again tomorrow). The secretary asked me how old I was so I told her, and she proceeded to tell me I looked really young and would have to wear a bright pink SUBSTITUTE sticker for the day. Seriously. This is more funny because Emily always says I have the personality of a permanent 7th grader. Sweet.

Don't believe me? See below.

Also, I like middle school. They don't really listen either but you get a prep period. WOOT!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Things are much more pleasent ;)

Subbing has been much better since my last post. I am actually enjoying it!!!! Must have been the first day, lol. I have learned that kids love talking but you just have to be really strict with them and don't let them get away with anything and you CAN get them quiet for 30mins to do their math assignment. Sweet!!!!!!!

P.S. It scares me how well I teach math. I would have never guessed it!

Onto more exciting life news: oh wait, there is none. I have two midterms next week and am pulling my hair out over physiology b/c I really really really (exponentially) want to get an A in that class after successfully completing my first midterm. Thus I have been studying A LOT! Otherwise I spend my life trying to motivate myself to work out and not eat so much junk as well as getting purred and sat on at 3:30am by my cat Echo b/c he's hungry. Bastard.

Now onto Halloween. I am vehemently against dressing slutty. I think everyone does it so I strive in the years past to not succumb to the pressure of letting my ass hang out (which is not hard for me to do). Sadly, I have been conned (sort of) to dress as a mafia chick with a couple of my girlfriends. We don't even know what we're doing. I got this sweet cheap outfit to wear that's cute, but I'm pretty sure my buttocks will hang out. DANG IT!!!

Solution: Tights (yes, I have no shame).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Some reflections on substituting

My first day of work in 6 months...wow. I am uber motivated to get my phlebotomy licence so I do not have to manage an out of control classroom of 32 kids until I get into nursing school. If there was ever any signs stating that I should go into teaching, they are gone now and replaced whole-heartedly with my desire to become a nurse.

It's not that the experience was so horrible (it wasn't), it's just that being the substitute makes it really hard to control the kids. It's really hard not knowing names or what to expect. It'd be better if they were my own class.

1. Kids think I look twenty.
2. They also think I'm married (wth).
3. I have a ridiculous amount of "you're the best" and "we <3 you Ms. Martin" notes in my bag. Apparently, even though they don't listen, they like me.
4. I was better than their sub yesterday (score!).
5. My old middle school is now an elementary school. I taught in my 7th grade science classroom. Weird.

Any control suggestions would be appreciated greatly!


P.S. I am coming down with something...ick.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The lamest update ever

I am so excited to potentially get to substitute teach at my old elementary school! That'll be awesome! I am now registered in 2 districts, and a third school is potentially in the process of reviewing my application. Yay for work!

I am tired...fyi.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just as long as we're together...

Yeah, I decided to regress to a fourth grade reading level last night and read one of my favorite childhood authors. Judy Blume. Ah, how I loved her. I could relate so well to all of her characters because we were so close in age and had such similar problems...usually. I think my favorite book by her was Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing but last night I read Just as long as We're Together. It was good (and it only took me 1.5 hours to finish...how I miss easy reading levels).

It's funny because when I read that book as a kid, I related to how 7th grade girls are interested in boys and trying to figure out how to be cool in school. Who would have thought that I'd related to it at this time in my life!?!? It's funny how moving home forces me to finally deal with my parent's divorce and then I read a book where her parents separate. I completely felt for the character in not wanting to interact with either parent.

It's interesting how good books really can span lifetimes...I guess I'll read it again when I'm 50 and see what I think then (if the pages haven't fallen apart yet).

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yay for good grades and blonde moments

1. 97.5% on 1st physiology test...not freaking bad ;)

2. Went to return office season 4 to blockbuster(my mom had rented them) but didn't know where it was. Finally found it and went inside to make sure it was the right one. Was informed by the blockbuster guy that the videos were from Hollywood...woops.

3. Excited for fall weather!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

An intimidating job interview

And I'm going to do it even though it scares the shiz out of me! I have to bring a 10-20 minute presentation describing a research project I have worked on. SCARY!!! I HATE public speaking with a passion, but since I'm seriously trying to make some changes about myself, I think it's time for me to face my fear head on. Besides, I don't really care if I get the job b/c I already have subbing to fall back on. So what do I have to lose? NOTHING!!! All I have to gain is a little more confidence in my abilities as an interviewee...

P.S. I am soooo sick of studying! Physiology test tomorrow (shouldn't be too hard) but I have mounds of other crap to catch up on, and now I have to work on this presentation, study for my phlebotomy exam, and write my nursing personal statement. Whew, what a mind work out. I am looking forward to my second mind unwind tonight at yoga...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I am SOOOOOOO busy!!!

So I decided that blogging would be a great idea. Nothing better than procrastinating when you are swamped! Some updates...
1. I have about 150 pages of Pharmacology to catch up on before my exam next week, physiology test is Thurs, and interpersonal communications SUCKS!
2. I'm taking my phlebotomy certification test next Monday and I really need to study for that.
3. My nursing application is due on Nov. 1st. All I have left to finish are my personal statements and I'm waiting on one letter of rec.
4. I have a new love for sweating like a pig during Bikram Yoga.

I'd like to touch on number 4. I had my first yoga experience last night and I loved it. I looked at the clock about 20 minutes into the session and was thinking "OMG I can't believe I have another hour and ten minutes of this". I literally was soaked with sweat. The next time I looked at the clock there was only 15 minutes left. Basically, I got lost in the serenity of the yoga experience and was really able to clear my mind. It was amazing and I think this is something I am going to use in order to do some soul searching. Excellent.

Credit goes to Pat for introducing me to this wonderful new form of exercise.

Random note of the day: When male dogs use the bathroom, they lift their leg for more comfortable urination. However, male cats do not do this. I was wondering why and I think I have come up with an answer. It all lies in the size of the urinary device. Or it could be when the cat uses the litter box, if he lifted his leg, it would spray the walls instead of the cat litter. Yeah, that second answer makes more sense.

P.S. I am officially hired on as a substitute teacher. YIPPIE!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Rachel and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

And it's only ten am!!!!! Seriously, I am (well was) very upset this morning. I went to the gym and on my drive home this little dog ran out in front of my car and I almost hit him (I'll bet you thought I was going to say I did hit him). Luckily I didn't, so I pulled over and chased him back onto the sidewalk in order to keep him from harms way. Finally I caught him and he had not collar, so I proceeded to walk around to all the houses in the general area to see if anyone had any idea where he belonged. I know this doesn't sound that bad, but here's where I got upset. Some fat lady was on a walk with her friend(1) and she screamed across the street "No stopping stupid!" Seriously? She called me stupid and she doesn't even know me. So I so nicely screamed back "You're really mean. I'm saving this dog. How would you like it if I ran over your dog?" What I really wanted to say was "You are such a b*tch, you don't even know me and I am not doing anything to hurt you. What's your f*cking problem cow...etc, etc" but that's just not me. It's my internal fury unleashing itself in my mind. But I would never be that rude to someone, ever (at least to their face). I have consideration for other people's feelings. Ever heard of the golden rule?

Anyway, I actually cried when I got home and told my mom the story. She laughed at me, but I was really hurt that she called me stupid. I'm not stupid, and obviously she doesn't know me so why did I let her get to me? Some people are really unhappy with their lives, and there is nothing I can do to change that. I guess this proves the statement "you can only control your own actions".

I thought of how that conversation should have gone in a perfect world.
Rude lady: "Excuse me, did you realized you pulled over in a no stopping zone?"
Whiny girl (me): "Yes I know that, however I almost ran over this little dog so I was just trying to return him to safety."
Rude lady: "Oh I see. Maybe next time you could try to pull over a little further or park down the side street where there is actually parking."
Whiny girl: "That's a great suggestion. I will do that so I don't get in the way of traffic."
Rude lady: "Did you want to get some coffee sometime. I feel we could be great friends."
Whiny girl: "That sounds great. How about right now?"
*Rude lady and Whiny girl frolic off to the nearest non-chain coffee shop and become great friends over 2 wonderful cafe Au Laits.*

Yeah freaking right, but it sounds good!

(1) I don't know why anyone would want to be friends with this lady.

P.S. Does anyone actually remember the book "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" by Judith Viorst? I was shocked that today's experience reminded me of that wonderful children's book, thus I named my blog in honor of it (using my name, of course)!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fat Azzzzzzz

Last night I came to the realization that I am the proud owner of a Fat Cat. How did it come to this? He was so lean and athletic before I moved up to the bay. The number one cause must be that I turned him into an indoor cat. Personally, I think outdoor cats are more prone to disease and injury because they have so much exposure to other cats and animals (duh). That's why I decided to move him indoors and turn him into the King Kong of kitties.

How can I change this devastating problem? I have a couple of ideas. First, I am going to reduce his food intake from 1 cup/ day to 2/3 cup/day. Secondly, I am going to look into feeding him a healthier brand. Lastly, I think I'll make sure to chase him around and throw a tow for 30 minutes cumulative per day so he can get some exercise. Poor fatty :(

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Name brands can't beat this!

I ran a little errand to pick up tampons at Rite Aid this morning. Usually I buy the Tampax Pearl because they are the most comfortable, but I couldn't help but notice the nice price on the Rite Aid brand. $4.59 is a great price for 36 tampons, and it's a multi pack! But what really got me was the name of the Rite Aid brand...get ready...Opalescent! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I was literally laughing out loud like an idiot in the store because that is so hilarious. I guess they always try to make their brand a knock off of the name brand.

Pearl or Opalescent. Who would know the difference?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A yawn can do WHAT?

For those of you who don't know, I am taking a pharmacology class as a prerequisite for nursing school. I just learned of a very interesting, albeit rare, side effect of clomipramine (med for depression). It's called a YAWNGASM and is defined as "a spontaneous orgasm that occurs when yawning". Well shoot, if that's a side effect, I'd be interested in trying the drug. I wonder what it's like...

The book goes on to say that this is a good or bad thing, depending on your views. Then they say one patient actually asked how long he/she could stay on the drug b/c he/she liked the side effect so much. I'll bet it was a male ;)

Ah, the little things...

I went for a nice little run this morning, and in the first 2 minutes, I ran by one of those sprinklers that was sticking up. Initially, I ran past it, but after two steps further into my run, I had to turn around and push it down with my right foot. For some odd reason, I love doing that. Or maybe I just can't stand to see them up.

I also tripped over a huge crack in the cement on a busy street. I felt pretty stupid, but at least I stopped myself from falling. Singing to music and not paying attention to where you're going is NOT a good idea. Lesson learned. Hopefully someone got a good laugh out of it. I sure did.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Some thoughts on the local JC

So I spent the large majority of yesterday crashing Physiology classes at good old West Valley. 10, I repeat, 10 hours in class. I did the same lab and listened to the same lecture 2X. If I don't understand the basics of homeostasis after that, then I should not ever be allowed to apply to nursing school. Some interesting observations:

1. 7:45am is really early for a class. Not even Cal Poly has Chemistry classes that early. We wait until 8am. The sun is up at that point.
2. I am surprised how well I fit in with the 18-21 year old population. I guess approaching 25 does not mean you are uncool/look old. Whew, I was worried about that.
3. $200 is a ridiculous amount for books. I bought the text used and a huge stack of printed paper for $60. No joke, it was a stack of printer paper with my labs printed on them. I could have printed that out myself for the cost of a stack of paper. Wow.
4. I prefer night classes. The people in the night classes are in the same boat. Most of us work full time* and then somehow balance school on top of that, family, friends, and life.
5. I actually was enrolled into the night class (which is what I wanted because I can then work full time...see above/below).
6. One of my lab partners is a soccer player and he may have a hook up to a pick up game in the area. Nice...
7. My teacher may play in the same soccer league as I do. While that seems cool, I wonder if she would lower my grade if our team beat hers.

Today I officially dropped the $2000 physiology class up in Oak-town and will get a full refund (including books)! Awesome...watch that credit card debt drop :) As of now, I am signed up for 11 units. Sadly, that does not actually constitute a full load (at least by Cal Poly standards) but that is plenty of work to keep me busy the next 3.5 months.

I need a vacation.

*Yes, you read correctly. I am about to start working full time again. Basically, I cannot wait to have a real income. YIPPIE!!!!!

P.S. Yippie is not in the dictionary. Some options are as follows : hippie, Kppie, yuppie, yippee...oh, that would be the word I am looking for...grrrrrrrrrrrrr

Friday, August 29, 2008

I floss daily...

And so should you. It's great for stopping cavities, getting rid of bad breath, and even using as a cat toy. However, you should never floss while driving. Flossing takes two hands, and so does driving. I guess you could drive with one hand but that doesn't stop the fact that flossing takes two hands.

True story: I sat behind some idiot this morning in downtown Berkeley who thought it was acceptable to floss his teeth in his car. No joke. And he wasn't paying attention to the light so he made us sit behind him. Eek.

P.S. This has nothing to do with flossing. It's abnormally hot this week. I am dying due to broken AC in my car. I travel a lot. I feel sorry for anyone who has to ride in my car w/o AC. It's miserable.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Shoes: A Documentary

One of the hardest things for me to do is throw out cute shoes. However, this particular pair was especially difficult due to their superior cuteness. They looked like gladiator sandals and matched with just about any outfit I could conjure up. But their short time in my life had to come to an end due to their superior crappiness. The left heel had to be glued on repeatedly, and the right front would peel off every time I tripped over nothing. I took the liberty of documenting this sad event in my life in order to share it with my friends (and in search for some sympathy).
I was trying really hard to look sad. If you look closely, you can see tears forming under my eyes. Yeah, I'm that good at fake crying...come to think of it, I'm really good at real crying as well.
Now take a moment to feast your eyes on how lovely these sandals are. They are a great color and were actually somewhat comfy for walking in. I spent a day at Marine World with them, so they've done their fair share of walking. The sandal on the right is scuffed at the top. If you peeled it back, you could see lots of glue remains from my many times gluing it back together.
Just in case you feel the need to go retrieve them for me, this is the dump you'd head to. Thanks guys, you're such great friends for sifting through pounds of trash to find the shoes I regrettably threw out!

These are not my shoes, but since we're on the subject, I'd say these are comatose. My friend's dog feasted on these one drunken night. Obviously, you can't glue that back together. However, these are at the Reno dump. Go fetch...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Mastercard moment

Advantage: $55.99

Cat litter refill: $12.49

Cat cardboard scratcher: $7.99

Braking hard due to some idiot on the road and subsequently spilling 30lbs of cat litter in the back seat of your car: priceless

What a freaking mess!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wow what a wake up call...

I am pretty sure I just got smacked in the face. That was one hell of a rush of emotions...woah.

I really needed to get that out...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

R.I.P. Spinner

Today marks the day when my beautiful beta fish, Spinner, has passed on. I'm sure it was from a heart attack induced by Echo trying to eat him almost daily. Surprised he lasted this long, actually. And mad props to myself; this fish lasted 2 months longer than the last one (omega the beta for those who didn't know). He was 13 months old. What a fantastic fish. He was so pretty with his blue and red scales. That's why I picked him.

Now the hard part--flushing him down the toilet. I couldn't bring myself to do it with the last one. It just seems too awful to do, although I think it would be worse to throw him in the trash. And worse yet to just leave him to decompose in the tank. I'm getting queasy thinking about this. Yuck.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Why I want to write a Tandem Story...

So basically this was sent to me from my friend Lisa and in my expert opinion it is the funniest "chain" email I have ever read in my entire life. I only wish I could have taken credit for participating in the hilarity...

Tandem story assignment from a professor at CU Boulder

Here's a prime example of 'Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus' offered by an English professor from the University of Colorado for an actual assignment.

The professor told his class one day: 'Today we will experiment with a new form called the tandem story. The process is simple. Each person will pair off with the person sitting to his or her immediate right. As homework tonight, one of you will write the first paragraph of a short story. You will e-mail your partner that paragraph & send another copy to me. The partner will read the first paragraph & then add another paragraph to the story & send it back, also sending another copy to me. Repeating this process until you both agree a conclusion has been reached. There is to be NO talking outside of class and anything you wish to say MUST be said in the email.'

The following was actually turned in by two of his English students:

THE STORY: (first paragraph by Rebecca)
At first Jennifer couldn't decide which kind of tea she wanted. The chamomile, which used to be her favorite for lazy evenings at home, now reminded her too much of Carl, who once said, in happier times, that he liked chamomile. But she felt she must now, at all cost, keep her mind off Carl. His possessiveness was suffocation, & if she thought about him too much her asthma started acting up again. So chamomile was out of the question.

(second paragraph by Gary )
Meanwhile, Advance Sergeant Carl Harris, leader of the attack squadron now in orbit over Skylon 4, had more important things to think about than the neuroses of an air-headed asthmatic bimbo named Jennifer with whom he had spent one sweaty night over a year ago. 'A.S. Harris to Geostation 17,' he said into his transgalactic communicator. 'Polar orbit established. No sign of resistance so far...' But before he could sign off a bluish particle beam flashed out of nowhere & blasted a hole through his shop's cargo bay. The jolt from the direct hit sent him flying out of his seat & across the cockpit.

He bumped his head & died almost immediately, but not before he felt one last pang of regret for physically brutalizing the one woman who had ever had feelings for him. Soon afterwards, Earth stopped its pointless hostilities towards the peaceful farmers of Skylon 4. 'Congress Passes Law Permanently Abolishing War & Space Travel', Jennifer read in her newspaper one morning. The news simultaneously excited her & bored her. She stared out the window, dreaming of her youth, when the days had passed unhurriedly & carefree, with no newspaper to read, no television to distract her from her sense of innocent wonder at all the beautiful thinks around her. 'Why must one lose one's innocence to become a woman?' she pondered wistfully.

( Gary )
Little did she know, but she had less than 10 seconds to live. Thousands of miles above the city, the Anudrian mothership launched the first of its lithium fusion missiles. The dimwitted wimpy peaceniks who pushed the Unilateral Aeros Peace Disarmament Treaty through the Congress had left Earth a defenseless target for the hostile alien empires who were determined to destroy the human race. Within two hours after the passage of the treaty the Anudrian ships were on course for Earth, carrying enough firepower to pulverize the entire planet. With no one to stop them, they swiftly initiated their diabolical plan. The lithium fusion missile entered the atmosphere unimpeded. The President, in his top-secret mobile submarine headquarters on the ocean floor off the coast of Guam , felt the inconceivably massive explosion, which vaporized poor, stupid Jennifer.

This is absurd. I refuse to continue this mockery of literature. My writing partner is a violent, chauvinistic semi-literate adolescent.

( Gary )
Yeah? Well, my writing partner is a self-centered tedious neurotic whose attempts at writing are the literary equivalent of Valium. 'Oh, shall I have chamomile tea? Or shall I have some other sort of FUCKING TEA??? Oh no, what am I to do? I'm such an air-headed bimbo who reads too many Danielle Steele novels!!!'


( Gary )


( Gary )
In your dreams, Ho. Go drink some tea.

A+ - I really liked this one.

Yeah, so basically that is the most amazing thing I have ever read...

Friday, August 15, 2008

Today just keeps getting better...

And to continue all the amazing things that are happening today, I found out I am approved to be a substitute teacher for the upcoming school year!!! AWESOME!!!! No more boredom. WAHOO!!!!!!!

I am really looking forward for tonight's SF experience...

The squeeky wheel gets the greese

I know how many times we've heard this expression but there is so much truth to it. This morning I managed to get myself enrolled into pharmacology at SMC just by asking! It was awesome, and now I have every single class I need in order to be on my way to applying for school this fall! So my recommendation to all of you who are too scared to ask is...


I think this is allowed...

I realized tonight on a late drive home after watching the women's gymnastics all around (go Nastia!!!) that I am really proud of myself. This epiphany came while listening to John Mayer's "Gravity", which really has nothing to do with the epiphany itself. I've worked really hard to become who I am today, and I wouldn't change anything that I've been through or done because I really like the person I've become, and all those so-called "mistakes" made me this way. I have great goals to strive toward and my dreams are actually turning into reality. What more could I ask for?

Teenage motto=no regrets

And I'd say that this motto has worked quite well for me into young adulthood (and in approaching the quarter century mark...)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Learning from the best

Amazingly enough my mother and Debbie (our family friend) still have it in them, even at 50+. The mothers', my sister, Nicole (Debbie's daughter) and I went out for a nice Italian meal last night at Aldo's in LG, and we had this crappy female waitress. When our dinner arrived, we somehow got a waiter switch to this cuteish younger guy. He was flirting with Debbie so much. After she took her first bite of food (and complimented it on how good it was), he started to take her plate while asking if she was finished. Then the flirt war started. My mom asked him if he spoke Italian, and he said yes, so she followed up with what part of Italy was he from? He answered "Mexico City"...hahahahahaha. I guess the point of this story is he bought our table a round of shots. Seriously? My mother and Debbie were so entertaining that he bought us shots. Wow, I have not seen that happening with people who are not in their twenties.

The shot was gross, though...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm too sexy for my scrubs...

Check these babies out!!! Basically, I am the sexiest person ever to don such an outfit. Also, I have become a huge advocate for bringing scrubs into our everyday lives (and not just in health professions). Reasons why are as follows:

1. Cheap! The whole outfit was <$25. I can usually only get one piece of an outfit for less than $25 (if I want it to be stylish...I'm really good at finding ugly bargains). And I get a discount for being a student. One more reason to stay in school, kids.

2. Baggy. No wedgies from too tight trendy pants. Lots of room to hide my food baby after a huge meal. Hides my small boobs and big butt (hmm, maybe this makes them better for teenagers, no more revealing clothing!)

3. Sizes run from XS-XXL, so everyone can find something that fits them. However, if you have short legs (like me) then you have to get the small petite version, or even the small short version or else you will trip all over the place. See, they have petite and short lengths to suite all sizes.

I hope I have made my point that we should all wear these sexy beasts on our next club outing. Maybe I can convince Lisa to let me wear these as her maid of honor. Yeah right!

Exciting news!!! I drew my first phlebotomy patient last night and it was SUCCESSFUL! I am so excited about the whole process and I feel very good about my impending career switch. I'm heading in the right direction! Yippie!!!!!!!! Tonight I go to an admissions presentation in SF for one of the schools I'm applying to this fall. Yay for nursing!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

my mother is sooooo not pc...

Between my sister, Nicole, and my mother, we played a riveting game of charades tonight. Julie was the best inventor of her own topics (i.e. garden spider) while my mom was the funniest. First off, she expected us to get earthquake from a series of what looked like body convulsions. Secondly, she gets up, motions for 4 words, and then let's us know she is referring to the fourth word of her four word topic. Yeah, imagine our surprise when she pointed at her crotch. We all started cracking up beyond belief, and we were no closer to guessing what she meant, except for a few lewd ideas. It turns our her T.V. show was "Leave it to Beaver". Oh mother. The most classic thing was that Julie had no idea what Beaver was referring to. Hahahahahaha. Game nights with the family + Nicole are AWESOME!!!

P.S. I made a bomb chocolate cake. It is no longer with us. :(

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Remind me again why I dislike musicals turned to movies...

My mother and I saw Mamma Mia this morning and I actually enjoyed it. Usually I refuse to see musical movies unless I've seen the musical on stage. The reason I never watch musical movies is that I prefer an actual musical. You know, in a theater with real human beings singing their <3's out? Ever been to one of those? Yeah, they're awesome, and when they are turned into movies, THEY SUCK!!! I would much rather watch the actual musical.
So some comments about the movie:

~Pierce Brosnan should stick to James Bond. His voice sounds like, well, I can't even come up with a metaphor that would do his awful voice justice. It was terrible and I laughed out loud in the theater during his solos. And his face while he sings is contorted into a ridiculous smile/constipated look. Barf. James Bond=way sexier.

~I want Sophie's hair (and character name). Maybe if I have a little girl I will name her that. Soooooo cute! Below is a pix of her hair in the movie:

My Mom explained what I'd have to do to get her hair. Basically, my hair is too short right now (duh, have you seen it lately?) and in order to give it a body wave, it needs to be about 7 inches longer. Who knows if I can actually hold out that long? Maybe I can put a poster of her in my room to remind me of what my hair could be if it was only so much longer? Naw, that's creepy.
~Yeah, I think ABBA has pretty catchy music, but I wouldn't be caught dead listening to their CD. Plus it sounds so good when the characters sing it (minus Mr. Brosnan, as I stated earlier) that I'd have a hard time getting used to the real voices of ABBA.
~Meryl Streep is the shiz. End of story.
On another note, my baby cat has TAPE WORMS!!! That's nasty, especially when you see the little rice pieces coming out of his cute lil butt. Gross. The deworming begins today. If you have a cat, don't let him eat fleas. Or make sure you give the poor thing advantage more often than I do to kill off the host of these disgusting vile creatures. Ewwwwwww!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I guess I am the lucky one...

I found out today that the Fiz (Fziomed, the company I used to work for) laid off 12 more people (in addition to the 7 that were laid off with me). Apparently, the panel meeting on July 15th did not go as well as planned and they have about 6 more months of work to do before they can get FDA approved. Sadly, the company will run out of money in September, so they had to get rid of people. C.R., my dear lab rat friend, was one of them, as was the VP of research and development (that was a shocker b/c my old boss was not laid off and he was lower on the chain than Dick was).

Obviously, I was very upset to lose my job (who wouldn't be). However, I am glad where the job loss put me because I am actually pursuing my dream with full force right now. And when I evaluate whether I would have preferred to be laid off today or 3 months ago, I can say with 100% confidence that I am glad it happened in April. Hopefully I'll never go through that again, and neither will anyone I love because IT SUCKS!!!

Something my boss told me after I was laid off (he did not do it, Dick did) was that I was one of the lucky ones to get out now and not be forced to hang around until the bitter end. Funny how old guys are usually right. Thanks Sam! You're the best :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The dry spell has ended

Hahahaha, back to blogging. I know you missed me.

Since it's been so long since I've updated, I have a few things to share.

1. New embarrassing moment: Was walking to get a newspaper for my mother with JS. After putting the coins in I pressed the open button but could not get a newspaper b/c it wouldn't open. After tyring again, my brilliant JS discovered that I was hitting the coin return. Needless to say, I rolled around on the concrete for about two minutes in shear embarrassment. Thank God for engineers.

2. This decoration to the left is maybe the coolest accidental thing I've ever seen. What on earth is that, I hear you say. Oh, just a decorative flower made from used artichoke leaves (and by used, I guess I mean eaten). Ok, I lied a little. It wasn't entirely on accident because I pointed it out to JS (the artist) after about a quarter of the piece was finished, but still...it's freaking cool looking!!! Who says math geeks are not creative? Just kidding JS :)

3. Echo took over Gabie's bed while Gabie was out of town. He was so cute while he was rolling around on it, making squeaking noises (I had no idea cats squeak) and purring.

Yeah, he's a bit small for that size bed, but he certainly thinks he's bigger than he actually is. FATTY.

4. Cutest kid ever. Can you believe this is her camera face? I almost died from cuteness overload. Her name is Maia (and don't quote me on the spelling) and she's one of three adorable kids belonging to my best friend's older sister.
5. Onto a more serious note, I have fully accomplished all I possibly can for nursing school applications as of now. Go me.
6. Summer school's out for summer (almost)!
7. FYI, I will never dress up as Donkey Kong. Period.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I <3 Jiffy Lube

Now I have not always felt this way, mind you, but today's Jiffy Lube experience was quite possibly the most amazing experience I have ever had when servicing my car. From now on, I will send all my business (within reason) to the Jiffy Lube on the corner of Mary and El Camino Real in Sunnyvale, CA. I arrived to this location at 10am to a very short line of cars (meaning only me) and a friendly greeting from a young man. He told me there was coffee and magazines inside and they would be meeting with me shortly to discuss my coche. When I was called a few minutes later (by a woman, mind you), she informed me of the additional stuff I should have done (I think it's called a coolant flush) and then told me my air filter could probably wait another 3,000 miles. That's a first, I thought, since every time I go anywhere I feel like the man who's helping me is trying to swindle me out of my money for every little lame ass thing that could or could not be done on my car. I also had 2 coupons to use on my oil change and random other servicing. And she told me my windshield wipers were torn but I could wait until the rainy season to fix those. Seriously? No nagging sales person trying to get me to spend more money at their location!!!

I sat down to wait for about 20 minutes, and this nice young lady asked if she could get me any water or coffee, and then introduced herself as Lauren and told me to feel free and ask her any questions I may have. Is anyone else noticing a trend here? This exceptional service is coming from mostly women. There were three working there and they were extremely nice to me. Maybe they know what it's like to be treated like an idiot at any car service place just because you're a women. Let's be honest here, I am an idiot when it comes to my car, but it was nice not to be treated like one.

Now onto the best part. When it was time to pay, I got about 20 dollars off due to my coupons AND the opportunity to have Jiffy Lube send me a $10 gas card! All I have to do is send in my receipt with their form and they'll send it to me in the mail. Seriously, could this day get any better?

Yes, it did. I went to the post office afterward and another very friendly lady offered to help me pick out the right envelope to mail off my 30-day sub permit. And there was no line.

Today rocks!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The little sis is the big 2-3

Happy Birthday to my one and only wonderful little sister. Now you know what it feels like to get old, like your arthritic big sis.

I am in the process of buying her some Brian Regan tickets (he is this excellent comedian that we both love). Because I am the most awesomest sister ever, I bought her a card and wrote that in it. Wen I was lighting the candles on the cake, I struck a match and it broke. The flaming match flew onto her birthday card and momentarily caught it on fire. Needless to say, her birthday was smoking.

It's official; I'm live-scanned and can submit my application to substitute teach. Watch out you little monsters! It'll be fun reacquainting myself with the ways of children. You never know what you're going to get.

Speaking of the above thought, I was awakened by a quacking duck this morning. It was running it's mouth for about 45 minutes. My dad came into my room this morning and I woke up (due to duck quacking). We exchanged a look, and then heard it. "Mommy, make it stop"! Alas, you never know how hilarious your neighbors little boy can be until he opens his mouth. Laughter is an excellent way to start the day.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Two Tributes: To Olive and To My Zit

Tribute #1:

Before I begin my tribute to the zit on my face, let me just say R.I.P to Olive Riley, the world's oldest blogger (at age 108).  For those of you interested, the link to her yahoo story is below.  I was shocked when I opened yahoo before blogging and that was the article I read first.


Tribute #2:


When I was a greasy teenager
I had more than my fair share of zits
Those who showed their faces on mine
were tastefully covered with make-up

I longed for the day
these zits would no longer pester me

I am still longing.

I was informed that at the ripe age of 24.5
I would have clear, beautiful skin
like those air-brushed models
but for real


Thursday, July 10, 2008

An interesting place to find advice

Happy belated birthday Dad! I am super lame for posting yesterday and not writing that important bit of information for the world to read. Good thing I went over to your house for dinner to make up for my tragic mistake.

Today marks the second second interview I have had in my entire life. It went just fine, and I'm pretty sure they are interested in me. I made the first cut; out of 7 people, 4 were asked to return. I'm still not that interested in the position but I will take what I can get at this point.

I was talking with their COO first and he gave me some spontaneous interesting advice: be in control of your own destiny. Let's be honest here, I don't know if you can control your fate (I'm pretty sure our world is controlled by mathematics, my favorite universal language). A discovery by an old stoner friend was explained to me through the example of an equation tree, ultimately concluding that math is the root of all science, and with that statement I agree. I can't even begin to describe his idea here for fear of butchering it.

Let me play with the advice; let's say you can control your future. Then I am not controlling my future in the direction I wish to go by accepting this job (if I get it, that is). True, I will take this job if I get it (I could really use the money/benefits). But I am side-stepping my real dream.

I am conflicted. Obviously I want a job. I am bored out of my mind and spend waaaaayyyyyy tooooooooo much time on my online classes. However, I just started this phlebotomy class and I would love to have the opportunity to use this new skill in a healthcare setting. Plus I need to finish pre-reqs for nursing school. The logical decision is to take the job and slowly finish the pre-reqs, but my heart says F-it, just finish the nursing stuff so you can get into a school.

It's funny to re-read this because I am assuming I will get the job. That may not happen, and then I can just go along with my original plan: Phlebotomy class to phlebot job to finish pre-reqs to nursing apps to nursing school to nursing job. Sounds like a plan.

Is it bad that part of me doesn't want the job? Too bad things in life are NOT free :(

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rachell Roll

You know it's a good day when you head out for sushi and there is a roll named after you!

Rachell Roll: Salmon, cream cheese, unagi, deep fried

I'm sure you can see why I didn't order it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Why I love my lil sister

1. She actually woke up the past 2 mornings to go hiking with me. We had a blast chatting and exercising (with our coffee of course).

2. The name of her car is Tito. Seriously. She named her car for some pretty hysterical reasons. She thought if it had a name she would be more likely to keep it clean, which is working because she cleaned it today. Also, she said it had to be a boys name because she refuses to ride a girl. Corey, her boyfriend, refused to call it by its name, but now he is obsessed with it and says things like "are we going to take Tito today?".

3. I cooked dinner tonight because my mom is out of town visiting her white-trash "boyfriend". It was a random array of food, consisting of boiled soy beans, salad, frozen orange chicken, and Mexican rice. The rice was crunchy, and she loved it (actually it tasted like popcorn). I didn't even know you could overcook rice. Thanks Jue for making me feel better about my sorry attempt at a healthy meal.

I finally get to see Emily tonight. My life is complete.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Water I have left to tread

Have you ever made a boat out of cardboard and duct tape? Me either, but I certainly saw a lot of those this past weekend in Chicago for Jason and Lisa's engagement party. It was on a cardboard boat in the middle of the Glen Elynn community lake. Who would have thought it would hold up forty people? I was shocked.

O.k., I am full of sh*t but I did watch some cardboard boat races this weekend. It was pretty entertaining. The basic premise is to be the fastest boat in your group to make it around a charted course on the lake. Most exciting was the designs of the boats, such as a Trojan horse, guitar, the closet from "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe", and a paddle boat. I'd like to enter someday, with my lovely Lisa, that is.

Now onto the point of this blog: Friday night was rough for my self-esteem. It's weird being in-between jobs/life decisions and to see your good friends becoming so established in their lives while you feel so lost. It feels strange to write this in a semi-public place (because I know there are TONS of people reading this) but it helps me to get these feelings out there. Why do I feel jealous? I am in no position to be where they are (let's face it, unemployment is not very glamours, nor does it pay well), and I'm working on a new relationship (and I'm liking the way things are progressing), so why should I desire what others have? Maybe it's the allure of the unknown, that she is in water I have yet to tread. The whole prospect seems so overwhelming when I get to the bottom of it, but the surface seems so calm and opening.

I cried. Not the "I am crying because I can't help it" type, of which I am so experienced, but the "I'm feeling really depressed" type of cry that I have only truly felt a couple of times in my life. The funny thing is all I needed was the cry and a little bit of paper-blogging and I was all better. The reality of it is I'm not depressed at all. I am making fantastic changes in my life, changes that I can't wait to put into effect (one week!!!), and changes about what I aspire to become. It's exciting, and when I think about it, there is no other place I'd rather be. Not FzioMed, not SLO, not w/ JK, but on my own, discovering again what my purpose in being is, and making it happen. I don't need what Lisa has right now. Eventually, yes, but I need to live my dreams to the fullest before I dive head-first in her direction.

Congrats to Lisa and Jason. Watching the two of them interact makes me excited to be such a close participant in their lives. I again have hope in the meaning of relationships, have faith that love can conquer all, and that everything is going to be just fine, at worst :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Just Do It.

I am becoming increasingly frustrated with the direction I have chosen to take. Chemistry, while interesting and challenging, is not personally satisfying. I feel indifferent at the end of a workday, and that is not a feeling I want at the end of the day for the rest of my life feeling (especially since it is increasingly necessary to have a job to make ends meet...no sugar daddy...tear). For those of you who don't know, I am currently back in school to try and pursue a nursing degree, yet I am still taking pre-reqs.

There is no way I could permanently work a desk job. It drives me crazy to sit in one place and enter data into a computer (and yes, I have done this several times). I have a strong dislike for sales (especially cold calling, although I'm actually pretty good at it). Lab work is nice because you are not doing the same thing all the time, but as I stated above, I am not satisfied.

So what do I think about my strengths? Hmm, when I list them out they are as follows:
1. People oriented/very social
2. Detail-oriented
3. Compassionate
4. Motivated
5. Quick to learn new skills

Seriously, this is what every person thinks they are. At least in the job market. It's hard to feel like I can actually set myself apart from the rest of the world, even though I know there is no way I am exactly like any other person.

However, I like the way I feel when I can make ends meet on my own. Thus having a job is the right option for me through life. I just want something that I will enjoy, and also that allows me to stay at home with my kids the vast majority of the time (sometime in the future, mind you). Part-time nursing is a wonderful solution-great flexibility, great need for nurses, great paying job.

I have decided to take a phlebotomy class in order to "break" into the medical field. At least I'll have some patient contact and make some decent money while waiting for the historically long process of getting into SOME FORM of nursing program (RN, ABSN, MSN, NP). Funny how the world works: we have this intense need for more nurses, but getting into school is impossible due to lack of teachers, thus reducing class space, making it impossible to get into a nursing program. Maybe I'll consider a PA program. The other issue here is I am really interested in OB/GYN, especially the GYN part, and they shuttle NP's into this field.

At least I have a dream, right?

Now I just have to get there...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Loving the Fam

Since moving back to the bay, I have spent a ridiculous amount of time with my family. It reminds me of how much I love them. Why? Read on!

Mother: Cuts my hair into cute, short, summer styles. Teaches me that when waxing, never put the application stick into the wax for an extended period of time b/c it'll take too long to cool down before application to skin. (you'd think I could have figured this one out, but it really works!)

Father: Officially banned from Blockbuster. Seriously, who manages to accomplish this feat in their life? Freaking awesome. He decided to take matters into his own hands when multiple DVD's he rented did not work. Wrote "no fucking good" on them, and even broke some of them. Then got into a fight with the manager about their differing ideas of what is the correct thing to do in the situation. Needless to say, Hollywood video is the next victim (and Netflix, but he seems to be getting away with vandalism there).

Sister: Proceeds to bring up the topic of how we would want to die during our Father's Day dinner. Without hesitation, she states there are two ways she'd like to go, and I quote directly:
a." Getting hit by a title wave. Let's face it, how cool would that be?"
b. "Getting eaten by the Loch Ness Monster. Then I would know what it looked like".

Seriously, who thinks of that? She's freaking awesome! If only I can get her out of bed tomorrow (today) to shop/eat lunch with me. Sigh...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cute little lost doggie...

Happy Birthday Jaime!

This is a direct excerpt from an email I just wrote (I am feeling too lazy to re-write it).

"I have already had an eventful morning. I was suppose to meet up with my friends for lunch but that got canceled. Then I found this little dog right outside my mom's house. He was so cute with these huge ears for his little head! I tried calling the owner and then I decided to drive him over to the address on his tag. The address was 1.6 miles away (according to our accurate friend google maps) and I thought that was a little far, but decided to take him anyway. Once at the house, I knocked on the door and a neighbors door but no answers/the neighbor didn't know if the dog lived there but she said she'd heard a dog. I had decided to head out to SLO after dropping him off to write my essay there, and was about ten minutes into the drive when my mom called to tell me the owner of the dog was at our house. I proceeded back to the fake dog owner to find a car in the driveway. Since rummaging around their backyard looking for the dog seemed like a bad idea if someone was home, I chose to knock on the door. The lady was not surprised the dog was there because it was her daughter's ex-husband's dog (figures why the guy didn't want to go get the bastard himself). I returned the dog to his correct house (about half a block away from my mom's place) to the dog-owner's mother. That guy is going to get two messages about his dog going into a foreign car and then a foreign backyard. I'd stress out.

Morals of the story:
1. I need to change Echo's tag to my Los Gatos address.
2. Follow your gut instincts when you think that a distance is too far for a little dog to travel."

Off to SLO for Graduation/Birthday Celebration/See lots of people I do and do not feel like hanging out with...

Monday, June 2, 2008

I ate lunch at Taco Bell today...

I know, you say, why eat at Taco Bell?  Because it was the best option within walking distance from my Dad's work.  But that is beside the point.

I had just finished ordering my food and was debating which area I felt like sitting in when I heard a loud crash.  I reacted very slowly for some reason, but the next thing I knew there was glass flying at my flip-flopped feet and a maroon Grand Am flying through the window.  Literally. It was about 4 feet from me and it just missed these two girls sitting at the other window seat.  I had just moved seates to not sit in the sun by the window, and happened to pick a closer seat to the accident.  Needless to say, we were all pretty shaken up, and thankfully there were no injuries.  Even the driver was fine.  She looked the worst, probably because her car was destroyed along with the Taco Bell entrance...

The funnies part was that the Taco Bell employees just kept making food.  One of them went to sweep the floor around the counter, but they were not suppose to clean up the area around the accident because the police needed to make a complete investigation.  I had ordered my food "for here" but decided to take it "to-go" due to extenuating circumstances.

I am pretty sure I will never see something like that happen ever again.  I wonder if she was abusing some sort of substance at the time, or if her brakes failed.  Thank God that wasn't me...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The flu was raging through my body.
There was no flu-friendly food/drinks at my house.
I walked outside to my car and what did I see?
A flat tire waiting for me.

No sister in sight
though her car was present
I needed a rescue
from a mechanic

The hero in my life
A friends little brother
Although not so little anymore

This lame poem serves as a thank you to Peter for changing my spare tire. I really need to learn how to do that. It doesn't look that hard actually, but how on earth am I suppose to learn it while I'm feeling like poo?

P.S. Who the hell leaves nails in the road for people like me to run over???

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It is waaaaaaayyyyy toooooooo early for me to be awake, especially since I have no job, but here I am , up at 5am hanging out with my cat (I am pathetic).

So chronologically here are the things I have done that have preceded this disaster...

1. Last night in SLO-drank a lot, yummy alcohol for cheap.

2. Packed up all my belongings into my car (with NO room to spare) and drove my ass out to Fresno.

3. Drank all weekend at Bass Lake. Went 6/7 in beer pong games (not bad for an amateur). Hung out in the rain. Went to a bar. Slept very little.

4. Drove back to San Jose with a full car (somehow even more full than when I drove from SLO to Fresno even though I bought nothing).

5. Tried to unpack. Made a huge mess.

6. Lost my keys-spent 30 mins looking for them before realizing I have a spare at my mom's place (luckily). Was subsequently late to a Memorial Day bbq.

7. Swore off drinking at the bbq, but of course I ended up playing 4 beer pong games (went 1/4, I think. Pretty bad for a pro).

8. Went home with nothing to show for it but a sore throat.

9. Went to bed HELLA early.

10. Woke up at 5.

With a detailed analysis of these details, I have come to the conclusion that:

a. I drank too much this weekend.

b. I am hit or miss for beer pong-not good.

c. Too much drinking=a greater chance of getting sick.

d. Always remember which jacket you wore the night before because your keys are probably in that pocket.