Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The flu was raging through my body.
There was no flu-friendly food/drinks at my house.
I walked outside to my car and what did I see?
A flat tire waiting for me.

No sister in sight
though her car was present
I needed a rescue
from a mechanic

The hero in my life
A friends little brother
Although not so little anymore

This lame poem serves as a thank you to Peter for changing my spare tire. I really need to learn how to do that. It doesn't look that hard actually, but how on earth am I suppose to learn it while I'm feeling like poo?

P.S. Who the hell leaves nails in the road for people like me to run over???

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It is waaaaaaayyyyy toooooooo early for me to be awake, especially since I have no job, but here I am , up at 5am hanging out with my cat (I am pathetic).

So chronologically here are the things I have done that have preceded this disaster...

1. Last night in SLO-drank a lot, yummy alcohol for cheap.

2. Packed up all my belongings into my car (with NO room to spare) and drove my ass out to Fresno.

3. Drank all weekend at Bass Lake. Went 6/7 in beer pong games (not bad for an amateur). Hung out in the rain. Went to a bar. Slept very little.

4. Drove back to San Jose with a full car (somehow even more full than when I drove from SLO to Fresno even though I bought nothing).

5. Tried to unpack. Made a huge mess.

6. Lost my keys-spent 30 mins looking for them before realizing I have a spare at my mom's place (luckily). Was subsequently late to a Memorial Day bbq.

7. Swore off drinking at the bbq, but of course I ended up playing 4 beer pong games (went 1/4, I think. Pretty bad for a pro).

8. Went home with nothing to show for it but a sore throat.

9. Went to bed HELLA early.

10. Woke up at 5.

With a detailed analysis of these details, I have come to the conclusion that:

a. I drank too much this weekend.

b. I am hit or miss for beer pong-not good.

c. Too much drinking=a greater chance of getting sick.

d. Always remember which jacket you wore the night before because your keys are probably in that pocket.

Monday, May 26, 2008

for the sake of having something interesting up here...

I have discovered the coolest Internet site ever...PANDORA RADIO!!!! Thank you Ami, Justin, and Emily for this valuable information. All you do is enter a band or song you like, and the website customizes a play list for you!!! Just to prove my unoriginality, I have exactly ONE "station" under Third Eye Blind, the greatest band ever created. My daily visits include music by these musical geniuses and of course other bands with similar styles. Maybe I'll get crazy one of these days and move onto a Counting Crows station.

OK so this wasn't so interesting, but hey, it's a start :)

Sunday, May 25, 2008