Thursday, February 19, 2009

He's just not that into me (but how was I suppose to know at that age?????)

In a triumphant moment, amidst my head getting ready to explode from taking on too much shiz in my life, I did something that has been waiting to happen for years!!! Only I didn't even realize it was waiting to happen until about 5 minutes ago. And it's so monumental I HAD to blog about it!

Background: There was this boy I met in high school who went to the all boys catholic school in the area. We went to my junior prom together and had lots of fun. We even dated for a couple of months. I even got grounded for a month getting caught in a lie by skipping soccer practice and going to his house instead. And then, when I was ungrounded, he stood me up...twice.

Yeah, this sounds sooo juvenile, and also sounds like I would have benefited from that wonderful "novel" He's Just Not That Into You". Sadly, I discovered that book in the wrong junior year. Wrong being college.

Anyway, tonight was the second time he asked me (over facebook) to get lunch or coffee. I ignored the first one, figuring he'd get over it. But since he asked 2X, I replied as follows:

"No thank you. You treated me very poorly in high school when we dated and I would prefer not to re-live that. But thank you for the offer."

I guess this is one reason why I dislike facebook. I should have never added him as a friend...but gosh darn I was soooooo curious :)

How liberating!


Kolea said...

Good call! They always, always, ALWAYS come back around....

Unknown said...

I guess you are the exception and not the rule Rach :)