Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My reflections on 2008

Since this year has come to a close, I felt it was appropriate to reflect a little bit on what I've discovered and experienced this past year. Some noteworthy highlights:

1. Ended my relationship with my first and only love to date (only to find him back in my life in a strange but wonderful way)
2. Lost my first real job (due to lay offs, giving me a whole new perspective on what it is to truly enjoy working)
3. Picked a new career (nursing)
4. Got an A in 6/7 classes this year. The other grade was a B+...that's not bad at all! (this is a first in a long time, signifying that I have picked a suitable new direction)
5. Started playing soccer again and discovered yoga and step aerobics (excellent exercise)
6. Made some FREAKING AWESOME new friends-Kristy and Pat, you girls ROCK MY WORLD!!!
7. Reconnected with some oldies but goodies-Nat, Lisa, Katie, Keith, Ali, Monica, Lisa, Vera, I love you guys and am super glad to be back in touch
8. Made some actual decisions regarding my thoughts on religion, philosophy, and politics instead of shying away because they are complicated topics and I don't want to offend anyone (if you care enough, ask)

9. Reconnected with my family for the first time since my parents divorce. I never fully dealt with it until coming back here. It has been difficult, but refreshing and long overdue. I love them and will forever be grateful for everything we went through. It has only made me stronger and more capable of loving fully and unconditionally.

When it comes down to it, I am way more mature than I was at the start of 2008. I learned a lot of very difficult lessons regarding money, men (and boys), friendship, and I made a drastic change on my attitude toward life. While I have always been a positive person, I realize now that it was all for the benefit of making other people happy. That's a nice thing to do, but if you're not happy with something, then you're the one who ends up getting hurt. I hope I can carry this valuable lesson into 2009 and throughout my remaining years. I want to do things because I WANT to, not because I feel like I should.

All in all, I have NO regrets. What's the point? It's already happened, so why should I dwell on it. I'm going to keep dancing (literally) through this wonderful (and short) life I have. I am extremely lucky.

Bring it on, 2009...bring it on!

I went on a date, and all I got was a...

$45 parking ticket. It was probably worth more than the meal I did not pay for.

*Insert lots of vulgar swear words here*

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

There needs to be a class for older men in need of lessons on approaching women!

This was just so good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) that I HAD to post 2 blogs today...

I'm in southern California at South Coast Plaza (a.k.a. the mall where I cannot afford anything) shopping around for some NYE shoes. My dress is black so I am looking for some bright and awesome matching shoes and earrings to go with it. I'm thinking red, but will settle for pink, gold, or bronze as well. Right now, bronze is winning (because the pair I found encompass my three criteria in no particular order: sexy, comfy, cheap). That's beside the point.

I was in Sax 5th ave drooling over some $450 pair of shoes I will never allow myself to buy even if I could afford them when I am interrupted by an elderly gentleman around the age of 50.
Old dude: "Excuse me, but would you be willing to hear a holiday compliment?"
Me: (If you buy me these $539 Jimmy Choos, then yes...) "Um, sure."
Old dude: "You're a ten in my book. I just wanted to tell you that you're gorgeous."
Me: (barf barf, you look my dad's age) "Um, thanks. Happy holidays" as I walk away.
Old dude: (being super creepy and following me) "I'm sorry, but did I say something wrong?"
Me: (um, are you dense?) "No, just go away, just leave." Needless to say, I booked it.

Please note that I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt with absolutely no make-up.

Ok, so time for approaching Rachel 101 (which all men initially interested in me should apply).
1. Age does matter. If you could pass as my parent, then get the hell away. No more than 5 years older. Period.
2. I'm not feeling the whole younger guy thing. If you're more than a year younger, you are not mature enough for me.
3. Don't use a cheesy pick-up line that I've heard, like, a million times. If you have the nerve to approach me, then please dazzle me with something unique. I'd be way more receptive to something creative.
4. On that note, do not use any strategy directly learned from the boy bible* The Game. I've read it and I know what you're getting at. If you're going to APPLY the strategy, that's a different story because you are inventing your own method.
5. Please do not baffle me with bullsh*t. Instead, show me you are intelligent and funny.
6. Did I mention I don't do old guys?

Really people? I don't think I'm being too stringent with my "rules". I'm a nice, easygoing person and I don't think it should be that hard to find someone within my initial 6 criteria. Come on!

Ready for a much better pick-up experience. Here you are.
Cute dude: "Excuse me."
Me: "Yes?" (as I loudly pop the bubble I had just blown).
Cute dude: "Can I buy a piece of gum off of you?"
Me: "You can have a piece of gum."
Cute dude: "Thanks. Dragon breath over here really needs it." (as he gestures toward his beet red friend).

That wasn't actually a pick-up line, but I also experienced that today at the mall. See how much more creative this man was. If he had been hitting on me, I would have responded much more positively. It made me laugh for about five minutes afterward. The Macy's shoe department must have thought I was crazy.

*All ladies should read this book so they know how to avoid skeezballs.

Ah to be young...

As a two year old, my mother invited our neighbor (a 4 year old boy) over to play with me. Needless to say, she walks into the room and he has picked me up and I was smacking him across the face. Biotch...don't mess with me.

This is why I love the holidays. Hilarious stories about my sis and I as children. It's so great.

My sis was once eating mac n cheese, and when my mom asked her if she liked it, Julie responded "I hate it" as she continued stuffing her face.

Ah, to be young again.

On a more recent note, the highlight of our nine hour trek from nor to so cal is as follows...

J: Mom, I'm hungry
M: Julie, I brought you a vogue to read.
J: That's nice. Can I eat it?


Monday, December 15, 2008

It's hard to be motivated to study when...

...you need to get a 69% on the final to keep your A (and you haven't scored less than an A the entire class, although that's probably because you studied a lot).

So here I am, blogging again. I highly recommend that everyone try step aerobics. I've never had so much fun working out in my entire life. After an hour, I still want more (that NEVER happens with normal gym workouts).

I had a strange experience with a cowboy this weekend. We went to the saddlerack for some good 'ol country western hick times and I met the best dancer! I told him I cannot dance (real dance, not just move to rhythm). His response was" just follow my lead" as he proceeded to throw me around in twirls for about thirty minutes. It was awesome.

Morals of this blog:
1. Study in advance, it makes finals week AWESOME!
2. Step aerobics makes me sore and I love it.
3. Cowboys can dance (and he was Brazilian, so maybe that had something to do with the excellent dance skills...)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I am a stereotype today

I have added to the long list of reasons why women are thought to be bad drivers. Hear me out:

I'm driving to work today, and it was a late day, so I actually got to start at 9am! WOOT, was my initial thought. But then I'm about a block away from the turn to the school when I hear a THUNK, and I didn't really think much of it because I wasn't paying attention. Then I realized that my right side mirror was missing. I began to piece together what had happened. I was driving close (but not that close) to the side of the road. It was trash day. There were many heavy plastic trash cans strewn about the road. I heard a loud thunk. By my powers of deduction I deduced that I had hit a trash can, thus causing the pleasant thunk that I thought so little about.

Of course, I wasn't just going to leave my mirror on the sidewalk so I proceeded to park my car on a side street near the school and quickly walk back to the scene of the crime, or I guess you could call it the place where the idiotic blonde driver ran into a trash can poking out into the street. I passed some students. I hoped they would not be in the class I subbed for.

Obviously, the trash can was not knocked over. It was laughing in my face, and will be laughing at me when I go get my car fixed and it costs another $300 that I don't have.

Hilariously enough, this is not the first time I have knocked off a side mirror. Once upon a time at the ripe 'ol age of 16, I was trying to avoid speed bumps while driving in my mom's van. Of course, there was a brick wall to the left of one of them that I thought was further away than it actually was. Geezz...I have bad judgement. It's been 9 years since that happened. You'd think I had learned that lesson. Today proved otherwise.

On a lighter note, I subbed at the middle school today and I made it a point to dress up so I wouldn't have to wear that damn sub sticker. It worked!

BTW, I almost spelled mirror "mear", but that's another point to add to the stereotype that blondes can't spell.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Apparently, I've still got it in me!

Sometimes when you're feeling down and out, someone from the past writes you an email that just makes your day. This happened today, and needless to say, I was touched (although it remains to be seen if I will be responding...lol). I have interjected comments to help explain my feelings, and the situation, in red (there never was an us, fyi).

"Beautiful Rachel, (flattered)

Dang, I was watching a documentary on "La' France" (I am part French), goose liver, those beautiful French places along the Dordogne River, and I was like (like, how old are we?) thinking about you. I thought about withdrawing all my savings and setting us up with a trip to La France, but then thought "doood, come on!!!" lol But seriously, how have you been? Whatcha got going on lately? Any cool chemistry activities besides the heart chemistry"missing-you" reaction you left reacting in my life? (yes, we were both chem nerds so the dorky love joke is actually very appropriate...although, love? naw) I hope so!!! lol... Me nothing but work... pretty fun considering the way things are.

I almost got married to a half-Indonesian/half-Chinese chick from Amsterdam with 2 master degrees, but I chickened out. (I wonder what the real story is) Uhmmm... also met another super-beautiful Mexican-American girl, but dumped me cus' she's not over the getting drunk, clubbing, and dancing on the tables stage. (that's why you don't meet people in bars) I'm confused still, cus she flipped out when I asked her for our last kiss with a "Our last kiss????" Like she thinks maybe we'll have more or something, but in all honesty, I told her I wasn't over you and our drunk moment at Mother's Tavern (it was one freaking drunken kiss!). I know I'm a hopeless romantic to even think about you... But hey, we both had crushes on each other (um, maybe you had a crush on me but the feeling was NOT mutual) in that polymers class with Mr. Kingsbury (we were just study buddies, and the class wasn't anatomy or anything like that...lol), I'm aging good like those red wines (that is by far the best line in this whole email, he's only 2 years older than me) ;) LOL... Maybe we could make a good story...

So are you back with Danny or what? (HELL FREAKING NO!!!) I hope you're not, cus you told me he's a jerk. (more like a psycho, I usually have much better judgement) Maybe a stupid question, cus I'm almost sure you have way too many guys after you. (hmmm...I guess that could be true, but none that I'm actually interested in as of now) At any rate, I hope you're not with a jerk that doesn't treat you like a queen. (I have plenty of self respect...thank you very much...hehe)

Hey, I'm gonna be in SF the weekend of January 17-18. I was wondering if you have no tight-shirt bf (tight shirt bf???? wtf!!!???!!! it's like he's suggesting I date douche bags) if I could take you out to dinner to some restaurant (not sure which cus I've never been to SF) (no thank you, but I appreciate the offer). Did you end up in SF anyways? Or did you go somewhere else? Maybe you're living with some boring man (I hope not) (nope!) in some nice private village(really... I hope not) (I prefer suburbia or cities). If you don't reply (as I'm guessing you got bored and stopped reading) (no way, this is the most interesting letter I've received ever!!! It was good enough to make my blog!), I'll just keep waiting, wishing, and hoping maybe I'll find you at some random place, single, and willing to chat over a coffee about chemistry and big a nerd you are. (ouch, apparently I will always be nerdy)

Happy holidays!!!
P.S. At least lets meet so we could dance just one more song... It's okay if you won't sleep with me.. lol j/k" (as if you ever had a chance!!!)

So what's the point of this? I've been feeling pretty down lately (not depressed, just a little low) because I'm stuck. This was a great pick-me-up, so thanks to Danny for making one of my more sad weekends a hell of a lot better.

There are lots events that happen in life, some take you to lows you never knew you'd reach, and other's bring you to highs that you'd like to run on forever. I'd love to ride the high forever, but it's those damn lows that make my highs worth it.

Thank you to all that have taught me that lesson...from BOTH highs and lows...and especially the lows, because it's from the lows that I learn to draw my internal happiness. I'm a lucky girl :)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Another reason I date Asian men...

And it's been awhile
since I have
blogged on anything...

Some updates:
1. I hit the big 2-5 mark. I DO NOT feel my age, and it is constantly confirmed that I look young by the students I have. NIIIICCCCEEE!!!
2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my friends and family. It's exciting to be reminded how wonderful the people in my life are! Special thanks to Nat for EVERYTHING you did for my bday, and thanks to all my friends for coming out! <3
3. I found a video that encompasses my love of Asian men...it's like he's speaking to me...not really, but it's pretty funny! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CqbZNHaf1o

I hope you all enjoy "my" reasons! SOOOOO CREATIVE!