Wednesday, September 24, 2008

An intimidating job interview

And I'm going to do it even though it scares the shiz out of me! I have to bring a 10-20 minute presentation describing a research project I have worked on. SCARY!!! I HATE public speaking with a passion, but since I'm seriously trying to make some changes about myself, I think it's time for me to face my fear head on. Besides, I don't really care if I get the job b/c I already have subbing to fall back on. So what do I have to lose? NOTHING!!! All I have to gain is a little more confidence in my abilities as an interviewee...

P.S. I am soooo sick of studying! Physiology test tomorrow (shouldn't be too hard) but I have mounds of other crap to catch up on, and now I have to work on this presentation, study for my phlebotomy exam, and write my nursing personal statement. Whew, what a mind work out. I am looking forward to my second mind unwind tonight at yoga...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I am SOOOOOOO busy!!!

So I decided that blogging would be a great idea. Nothing better than procrastinating when you are swamped! Some updates...
1. I have about 150 pages of Pharmacology to catch up on before my exam next week, physiology test is Thurs, and interpersonal communications SUCKS!
2. I'm taking my phlebotomy certification test next Monday and I really need to study for that.
3. My nursing application is due on Nov. 1st. All I have left to finish are my personal statements and I'm waiting on one letter of rec.
4. I have a new love for sweating like a pig during Bikram Yoga.

I'd like to touch on number 4. I had my first yoga experience last night and I loved it. I looked at the clock about 20 minutes into the session and was thinking "OMG I can't believe I have another hour and ten minutes of this". I literally was soaked with sweat. The next time I looked at the clock there was only 15 minutes left. Basically, I got lost in the serenity of the yoga experience and was really able to clear my mind. It was amazing and I think this is something I am going to use in order to do some soul searching. Excellent.

Credit goes to Pat for introducing me to this wonderful new form of exercise.

Random note of the day: When male dogs use the bathroom, they lift their leg for more comfortable urination. However, male cats do not do this. I was wondering why and I think I have come up with an answer. It all lies in the size of the urinary device. Or it could be when the cat uses the litter box, if he lifted his leg, it would spray the walls instead of the cat litter. Yeah, that second answer makes more sense.

P.S. I am officially hired on as a substitute teacher. YIPPIE!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Rachel and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

And it's only ten am!!!!! Seriously, I am (well was) very upset this morning. I went to the gym and on my drive home this little dog ran out in front of my car and I almost hit him (I'll bet you thought I was going to say I did hit him). Luckily I didn't, so I pulled over and chased him back onto the sidewalk in order to keep him from harms way. Finally I caught him and he had not collar, so I proceeded to walk around to all the houses in the general area to see if anyone had any idea where he belonged. I know this doesn't sound that bad, but here's where I got upset. Some fat lady was on a walk with her friend(1) and she screamed across the street "No stopping stupid!" Seriously? She called me stupid and she doesn't even know me. So I so nicely screamed back "You're really mean. I'm saving this dog. How would you like it if I ran over your dog?" What I really wanted to say was "You are such a b*tch, you don't even know me and I am not doing anything to hurt you. What's your f*cking problem cow...etc, etc" but that's just not me. It's my internal fury unleashing itself in my mind. But I would never be that rude to someone, ever (at least to their face). I have consideration for other people's feelings. Ever heard of the golden rule?

Anyway, I actually cried when I got home and told my mom the story. She laughed at me, but I was really hurt that she called me stupid. I'm not stupid, and obviously she doesn't know me so why did I let her get to me? Some people are really unhappy with their lives, and there is nothing I can do to change that. I guess this proves the statement "you can only control your own actions".

I thought of how that conversation should have gone in a perfect world.
Rude lady: "Excuse me, did you realized you pulled over in a no stopping zone?"
Whiny girl (me): "Yes I know that, however I almost ran over this little dog so I was just trying to return him to safety."
Rude lady: "Oh I see. Maybe next time you could try to pull over a little further or park down the side street where there is actually parking."
Whiny girl: "That's a great suggestion. I will do that so I don't get in the way of traffic."
Rude lady: "Did you want to get some coffee sometime. I feel we could be great friends."
Whiny girl: "That sounds great. How about right now?"
*Rude lady and Whiny girl frolic off to the nearest non-chain coffee shop and become great friends over 2 wonderful cafe Au Laits.*

Yeah freaking right, but it sounds good!

(1) I don't know why anyone would want to be friends with this lady.

P.S. Does anyone actually remember the book "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" by Judith Viorst? I was shocked that today's experience reminded me of that wonderful children's book, thus I named my blog in honor of it (using my name, of course)!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fat Azzzzzzz

Last night I came to the realization that I am the proud owner of a Fat Cat. How did it come to this? He was so lean and athletic before I moved up to the bay. The number one cause must be that I turned him into an indoor cat. Personally, I think outdoor cats are more prone to disease and injury because they have so much exposure to other cats and animals (duh). That's why I decided to move him indoors and turn him into the King Kong of kitties.

How can I change this devastating problem? I have a couple of ideas. First, I am going to reduce his food intake from 1 cup/ day to 2/3 cup/day. Secondly, I am going to look into feeding him a healthier brand. Lastly, I think I'll make sure to chase him around and throw a tow for 30 minutes cumulative per day so he can get some exercise. Poor fatty :(

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Name brands can't beat this!

I ran a little errand to pick up tampons at Rite Aid this morning. Usually I buy the Tampax Pearl because they are the most comfortable, but I couldn't help but notice the nice price on the Rite Aid brand. $4.59 is a great price for 36 tampons, and it's a multi pack! But what really got me was the name of the Rite Aid brand...get ready...Opalescent! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I was literally laughing out loud like an idiot in the store because that is so hilarious. I guess they always try to make their brand a knock off of the name brand.

Pearl or Opalescent. Who would know the difference?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A yawn can do WHAT?

For those of you who don't know, I am taking a pharmacology class as a prerequisite for nursing school. I just learned of a very interesting, albeit rare, side effect of clomipramine (med for depression). It's called a YAWNGASM and is defined as "a spontaneous orgasm that occurs when yawning". Well shoot, if that's a side effect, I'd be interested in trying the drug. I wonder what it's like...

The book goes on to say that this is a good or bad thing, depending on your views. Then they say one patient actually asked how long he/she could stay on the drug b/c he/she liked the side effect so much. I'll bet it was a male ;)

Ah, the little things...

I went for a nice little run this morning, and in the first 2 minutes, I ran by one of those sprinklers that was sticking up. Initially, I ran past it, but after two steps further into my run, I had to turn around and push it down with my right foot. For some odd reason, I love doing that. Or maybe I just can't stand to see them up.

I also tripped over a huge crack in the cement on a busy street. I felt pretty stupid, but at least I stopped myself from falling. Singing to music and not paying attention to where you're going is NOT a good idea. Lesson learned. Hopefully someone got a good laugh out of it. I sure did.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Some thoughts on the local JC

So I spent the large majority of yesterday crashing Physiology classes at good old West Valley. 10, I repeat, 10 hours in class. I did the same lab and listened to the same lecture 2X. If I don't understand the basics of homeostasis after that, then I should not ever be allowed to apply to nursing school. Some interesting observations:

1. 7:45am is really early for a class. Not even Cal Poly has Chemistry classes that early. We wait until 8am. The sun is up at that point.
2. I am surprised how well I fit in with the 18-21 year old population. I guess approaching 25 does not mean you are uncool/look old. Whew, I was worried about that.
3. $200 is a ridiculous amount for books. I bought the text used and a huge stack of printed paper for $60. No joke, it was a stack of printer paper with my labs printed on them. I could have printed that out myself for the cost of a stack of paper. Wow.
4. I prefer night classes. The people in the night classes are in the same boat. Most of us work full time* and then somehow balance school on top of that, family, friends, and life.
5. I actually was enrolled into the night class (which is what I wanted because I can then work full time...see above/below).
6. One of my lab partners is a soccer player and he may have a hook up to a pick up game in the area. Nice...
7. My teacher may play in the same soccer league as I do. While that seems cool, I wonder if she would lower my grade if our team beat hers.

Today I officially dropped the $2000 physiology class up in Oak-town and will get a full refund (including books)! that credit card debt drop :) As of now, I am signed up for 11 units. Sadly, that does not actually constitute a full load (at least by Cal Poly standards) but that is plenty of work to keep me busy the next 3.5 months.

I need a vacation.

*Yes, you read correctly. I am about to start working full time again. Basically, I cannot wait to have a real income. YIPPIE!!!!!

P.S. Yippie is not in the dictionary. Some options are as follows : hippie, Kppie, yuppie, yippee...oh, that would be the word I am looking for...grrrrrrrrrrrrr